

  The element  Oxygen has atomic numbers 8 and an atomic mass of 16 amu. Its electronic configuration is 1s2, 2s22p4. The last electron is being added to the 2p-shell, therefore it belongs to the p-block of the periodic table.


  The binary compound of Oxygen with the less electronegative element in the periodic table is called an oxide. For example MgO, CO2, CO, CaO, etc.

Classification of Oxide

 On the basis of Chemical behavior oxides

1.     Basic oxideGenerally, metallic oxides which react with acids to form salt and water are called basic oxides. Examples: Na2O, K2O, MgO, FeO, CaO, etc.

     Na2O  + H2SO4  -----------» NaSO4  +  H2O

2.     Acidic oxideGenerally, the non-metallic oxides which react with a base to form salt and water are called acidic oxides. Example: CO2, SO2, SO3, NO2, etc.

     CO2   +  2NaOH -----------» Na2CO3  +  H2O

3.       Neutral oxideThese oxides neither react with acids nor with a base to form salt and water. Example: H2O, CO, NO, etc.

4.      Amphoteric oxide: These oxides react with both acid and base to form salt and water showing dual character. Example: ZnO, Al2O3, SnO2, PbO2, etc.

    ZnO + H2SO4 -----------» ZnSO + H2O

    ZnO + NaOH -----------» Na2ZnO+ H2O

5.     Peroxide: The oxide which contains more oxygen than the demand of molecular formula and has oxidation no. of oxygen as (-1) is called peroxide. Example: H2O2, K2O2, Li2O2,etc.

6.     Mixed oxide: The oxide formed by the combination of two or more simple oxides of an element is called mixed oxide.

It is elemental oxygen that exists as a tri-atomic molecule in addition to oxygen.

   Naturally, Ozone is produced in the stratosphere due to the addition of UV rays over molecular Oxygen gas.

      O---UV-Rays----» O + O

     [O2  + O -----------» O3]*2


     3O2 ------UV rays----» 2O3

Properties of ozone

- It has pale blue color in gas and deep blue color in solution

- It is slightly heavier than air

- It is slightly soluble in water but highly soluble in turpentine oil

- It has an unpleasant fishy odour

- It is a powerful oxidizing agent and can oxidize PbS into PbSO4

    [  O3   -----------» O2    +   O  ] * 4

  PbS + 4O -------» PbSO4


  PbS  + 4O3-----------» 4O2  +PbSO4

Tailing of Mercury

   when mercury is exposed to ozone gas, it stricks to the wall of a glass tube, losing its meniscus by forming a black stain like a tail. The phenomenon is called the tailing of mercury. It is due to the formation of mercurous oxide ( Hg2O ).

        O3      -----------»    O2   +   O

    2Hg  + O ---------»  Hg2O


  2Hg + O-----------» Hg2O + O2

Uses of Ozone

- It is used as an oxidizing  agent

- It is used as germicides, disinfectant, and air refresher

- It is used to carry out ozonolysis reactions in organic chemistry

Depletion of the Ozone layer

Through COand CH4 are partly responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer, the main causative agent is Chlorofluorocarbon molecules ( CFCs) generated from refrigerator and aerosols.

  The probable mechanism of ozone layer depletion by CFcs :

  CFCl3------ -UV-Rays---»  CFCl2  + Cl

      O3  +  Cl  -----------»  ClO + O2

     ClO  ------uy--rays---»   Cl   + O

        O + O3    -----------»   2O2

CFCs is decomposed by UV rays to produce chlorine-free radical which attacks ozone molecule to form ClO. ClO is decomposed by UV rays and free radical is regenerated which can attack another ozone molecule. In this way, a single molecule of CFCs can destroy thousands of ozone molecules through this chain mechanism called depletion and hole in the ozone layer.

Some of the ideas for the prevention of ozone layer depletion

 -  The excessive use of CFCs in refrigerators and aerosols should be reduced

 -  The emission of COand CHgases in the environment should be checked

 -  Alternative gas should be developed in place of CFCs

 -  Public awareness should be raised















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