PARTICLE PHYSICS class 11 notes



  Elementary particles are the fundamental constituents of all the matter in the universe. The branch of physics concerned with the property, interaction, and structure of elementary particles is called particle physics.

·      Elementary particles
The particles which are structureless, indivisible, and not regarded as made up of some other particles are called elementary particles. Hundreds of elementary particles are discovered so far. These particles are fundamental in the sense that these particles can not be explained as the system of other particles.

 ·  Particles and antiparticles
The antiparticle of a particle has the same mass, spin and lifetime if unstable, but its charge(if any) has the opposite nature. Every particle has its own antiparticle.

The anti-particle of the electron is a positron that has the same mass as of electron but opposite charge.

The antiparticle of the proton is an antiproton that has the same mass as of proton but the opposite charge.

The combination of particles gives matter and the combination of antiparticles gives antimatter.

•The antiparticle of a particle is represented by putting the bar over the symbol for the particle. The symbol of the proton is ‘p’ so its antiparticle is (p compliment).

 · Annihilation

      The process in which, when a particle interacts with its antiparticle, they destroyed converting into energy is called annihilation.

When an electron and 1a positron come very close to each other, they annihilate each other by combining together and two gamma rays photons (energy) are produced.

  -1e0                   +1e0          =                 y  +  y

electron            positron                         photon

  ·  Pair production
 When an energetic y- ray photon falls on a heavy substance, it is absorbed by some nucleus of the substance, and its energy gives rise to the production of an electron and a positron. This phenomenon in which energy is converted into mass is called pair-production. It is represented by the following equation:

              Y      =   -1e0       +        +1e0

  ·  Classification of elementary particles

       Elementary particles or fundamental particles



Mediator particles

electron      (e-)

Up (u)


electron neutrino  (ve)

Down (d)


muon  ( µ-)

Charm (c)

Intermediate boson

muon neutrino (vµ)

Strange (s)



Top (t)


taun neutrino

Bottom (b)



 · Leptons
Leptons are the light weight elementary particles. They do not have strong interactions. They are fermions. they have spin 1/2. there are six leptons. Each of six particles has six distinct anti particles.

 · Quarks
A quark is a type of elementary particle and a fundamental constituent of matter. Quarks combine to form composite particles called hadrons, the most stable of which are protons and neutrons, the components of atomic nuclei. They are strongly interacting particles. No isolated existence of quark is discovered so far. There are six types of quarks and each quark has its own anti quark.




Baryon number

































·  Hadrons
Heavy particles that interact by the strong interaction are called hadrons. This general classification includes mesons and baryons.



              Barions                                                                                                   Mesons  

Nucleons                                    hyperons                                    (pions, kaons,etc)
(protons,neutrons)                    (lambda,sigma,etc.)

·      Mesons
 Particles have a mass intermediate between lepton and baryon. They have spin-zero or integral spin and so-called boson. It is a combination of quark and anti quark.

 ·   Color and Flavor of quarks
A serious problem with the quark model was that the presence of two or three quarks of the same kind in a particular particle (for example, two up quarks in a proton and two identical down quarks in neutron). This violates the Pauli exclusion principle but quarks are fermions with spin ½ so they should follow the Pauli exclusion principle. This problem is resolved by assigning a new property to quarks and anti quarks which is called color. There are three colors which are red, blue, and green. The anti-quark colors are antired antiblue and anti-green.

The distinction between the six quarks was referred to as flavors. There is six flavors of quarks in nature. Flavors mean varieties.

Baryon – three quarks and one of each color(colorless)

Meson- quark + antiquark and color +anticolor(colorless)



         Red Shift and expanding of the universe
According to the Doppler effect, there is an apparent change in the wavelength of waves emitted by a source when it is in motion with respect to an observer. The apparent wavelength observed by an observer is increased if the source is moving away from the observer and is decreased if the source is moving towards the observer.

The application of the Doppler Effect to the light emitted by a star in a galaxy confirms whether stars are moving towards the earth. If stars are moving towards the earth or away from the earth, the wavelength of the light emitted by it will decrease gradually and shift towards the violet end of the visible spectrum. VIBGYOR this shift in wavelength toward the violet end of the visible spectrum is called blue shift.

Contrary to this if the star is moving away from us, the wavelength of the light emitted by it will increase and shift toward the red end of the visible spectrum VIBGYOR. This shift in wavelength toward the red end is called the red shift.

In most cases, stars or galaxies are found to be moving away from the earth. Hence all the galaxies are running from each other and therefore the universe is expanding.

 ·   Hubble’s law
Analysis of the red shift from many distant galaxies led Edwin Hubble to a remarkable conclusion called Hubble law. It states that the speed of recession of a galaxy is proportional to its distance from us.

If v is the speed of recession of galaxy and r is its distance from earth. Then

vα r

or v= Hor, where Ho is Hubble’s constant. Its value is 2.3x10-18s-1

   The Big Bang
 Hubble’s law suggests that at some time in the past, all the matter in the universe was far more concentrated today. It was then blown apart on an immense explosive called the big bang, giving all observable matter more or less the velocities that we observe today.

According to Hubble law, the matter at a distance away from us is traveling with speed v= Ho r

The time needed to travel a distance r is given by,


t=r/ Ho

t=1/ Ho =4.3× 1017s=1.4× 1010years

By this hypothesis, the big bang occurred about 14 billion years ago. It assumes that all speeds are constant after the big bang; that is it neglects any changes in the expansion rate due to gravitational attraction or other effects.

If v be the speed of our galaxy relative to the center of the sphere, then by Hubble’s law,

v= HoR (iv)

From equation (ii), (iii) and (iv) , we get

½ m(H0R)= Gm/R ( 4/3 πR3рϲ)
ϲ = 3 H0 2/8πG]

Putting value of HO=2.3x 10-18 s-1 and G=6.67x 10-11 Kgm2s-2 we get


 ·   Dark energy and dark matter

•Dark matter is the non-luminous material distributed throughout the universe that cannot be directly detected by observing any form of electromagnetic radiation but whose existence is suggested by gravitational effects on visible matter. According to present observations of a structure larger than the galaxy, big bang cosmology, dark matter, and dark energy account for the vast majority of the mass in the observable universe.

•The galaxies near the Milky Way appear to be rotating faster than the rotation rate expected from the amount of visible matter that appears to be in these galaxies. Many astronomers believe that 96% of the matter in a typical galaxy is invisible. Some astronomers argue that the cluster galaxies are bound together from billions of years by gravity due to the presence of enough mass which includes up to 96 % dark matter and energy (72% dark energy, 24% dark matter).

 ·   Gravitational wave

                  Gravitational waves are 'ripples' in space-time caused by some of the most violent and energetic processes in the Universe. Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves in 1916 in his general theory of relativity. Einstein's mathematics showed that massive accelerating objects (such as neutron stars or black holes orbiting each other) would disrupt space-time in such a way that 'waves' of undulating space-time would propagate in all directions away from the source. These cosmic ripples would travel at the speed of light, carrying with them information about their origins, as well as clues to the nature of gravity itself.

First detection of a gravitational wave on September 14, 2015

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