
Family  CLASS-12 NOTES

Working with words 

A. find words from the text and solve the puzzle. Clues are given below. 



The custom of having more than one wife at the time = polygamy

Ruled or controlled by men = patriarchal

To find acceptable way of  dealing with opposing ideas, needs etc. = solution

The act of taking over a position = domination

The process at which towns, streets, etc. are built where there was once countryside = urbanization

Done in a way without caring if people are shocked = blatant

The process in which somebody learns to behave in an acceptable way in their society = socialization

Single-parent = lone parent


B. Find the meanings of the following family-related words and use them in your own sentences.


1. Nuclear family = Family consisting of parents and their children only 
I live in a modern nuclear family. 
2. Monogamy = The practice of marrying or state of being married to one person
My husband and I got married and we took a vow of monogamy.

3. Sibling-in-law =  sibling of your spouse or the spouse of your sibling
My sibling-in-law has returned from UK and currently living with us.

4. Milk Kinship =a person who is not one’s biological sibling but was nursed by the same woman as oneself
In some religions, Children who were milk kinship to each other were prohibited to marry.

5. Matrilineal = Based on kinship with the mother or the female line
 Matrilineal system has not been inherited in our society yet.

6. Nepotism = The practice among those with the power of favouring relatives or friends
The nepotism in the Bollywood industry is inexcusable. 

7. Maternity = The period during pregnancy and shortly after childbirth 
She is not a woman with an interest in maternity.


C. Make at least five words using the prefixes given. Consult a dictionary to learn

how they change the meaning of root words.


Pre - preposition, present, previews, prefer, prepare

Semi – semiformal, semiliquild ,semiconductor , semi-final ,semidesert

Sub – submarine, Subconscious, subshell, subordinate, subsidiary 

Mis- misunderstand, mistake, misuse, mismatch, misbehave
Mono- Monochrome, monogamy, monoplane, monopoly, monograph

Un - unhappy, unnecessary, uncomfortable, unable, unfinished 

In - incorrect, incredible, indeed, independent, infant

Inter - Interim, interchange, interlock, international, internet.


A. Make at least five words using the prefix given.

a.     Patriarchal family= 3rd paragraph
b.     Functions of family = 2nd paragraph
c.     The modern model of family= 5th paragraph
d.     Effects of industrialization on family structure= 4th paragraph
e.     Defining family= 1st paragraph

B. Answer the following questions.

a.      What type of family is thought to be the oldest form of the family?
=The nuclear type of family is thought to be the oldest form of family. 


c.      What were the features of a medieval European family?
=The main feature of the Medieval European family is that it was a patriarchal or male-dominated and extended family. 


d.      What caused the dissolution of extended families in the West?
=When it comes to changing family structures in western countries, industrialization and urbanization started to spawn and many changes in family structure were seen which ultimately led to the dissolution of many extended families. 


e.      What change occurred in gender roles in the modern family that emerged after the Industrial Revolution?
= The industrial revolution led to the domestication of women, as men went to occupations in other sectors and women were expected to care for the children. Similarly, family responsibilities that were previously believed to be entirely male or female were changed into shared responsibilities. Also, as divorce rates rose, so did the number of one-parent families.


f.       What is family law?
=Family law defines the legal relationships among family members as well as the relationship between families such as divorce, adoption, etc and society at large. 


g.      How is modern marriage defined?
=Modern marriage is defined as a voluntary union, usually between a man and a woman where they share their responsibilities. 


h.      What do special family courts try to do?
=Special family courts try to deal more fairly with sensitive issues such as custody of children, spousal property, guardianship, etc.


i.       What does the legislation on child labor and child abuse declare?
=The legislation on child labor and child abuse declares that compulsory education is a must for every child and it further asserts on child interest-based behaviors to be done. 


j.       What is common among most legal systems regarding property?
=In most legal systems a departed family member can deal with property sharing. The will or legacy describes the decedents' desires for such distribution, however, what appears to be irrational or unfair provisions could be opposed by the spouse or child survivors. In case the property is not claimed, some laws recognize family claims (i.e., with no will to determine its distribution)


  Critical Thinking  


A. What changes have started to occur in Nepali families in recent days? What impacts will they bring to society? Discuss.
=After the creation of the internet, Nepali society and its own circle of relatives have been closely prompted through an overseas culture. After the wave of democracy, the established order of faculties made schooling to be had to maximum people. As time surpassed, girls began out to comprehend it isn't always most effective their paintings to attend to the residence and own circle of relatives and the truth they could paintings too. Nowadays, each lady's and men's paintings has delivered a big extrude withinside the social structure. The family again then was once commonly prolonged however because of paintings and industrialization the own circle of relatives is extra nuclear nowadays. The divorce charge has been extended however I don’t suppose it is a terrible thing. As organized marriage remains triumphing in our society and girls are made to marry a person towards their wish. Before that, they'd no desire however to get alongside and be given it. But now impartial girls stand towards violence. But because the divorce charge increases, it shouts the truth that something is wrong. As such modifications are beginning to roll out, Nepalese households might be having advantageous in addition to terrible influences on society.

B. We see many elderly people in elderly homes these days in Nepal. Some of them are abandoned while others live there willingly. Do you think Nepali people are deviating from their traditional culture? Give reasons.
=The majority of human beings in today’s international commit their complete lifestyles simply to earn money. The preference for personal matters has caused the destruction of many families. The conventional own circle of relatives shape wherein all three generations lived below the identical roof has changed. It's now no longer identical anymore. People are so busy that they overlook why they may be doing all this. Now it’s all nuclear with only an unmarried toddler who grows up without even understanding what the presence of mother and father feels like. The best parenting feeling he may want to get from his grandparents is to be despatched to aged homes. It's a burden to them however it’s what truth has come to be and we can’t unseen it or deny it. Parents pay a person else to attend to their personal children. So it’s not possible they might spend time looking after their personal mother and father. It’s a cycle. It’s inevitable.




A. Write an essay on The Importance of Family. 

=Family is defined as a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit, but the strict definition of family is that family are those people who are biologically related to you, in real life the term is much faster than the. Families can come in many formats, from the traditional nuclear family to those in which children are raised by relatives to same-sex couples. A family is a group of people who should be there in good times and bad. cherish any moment with you.

A child's family has the greatest influence on their development. Since childhood, children have relied on their parents and relatives to protect them, meet their basic needs, and raise them. Families and parents are the first people a child meets. In addition to protection and identity, families impart values to all members, regardless of age.

The family is important to society. Because society itself is a group of families. Families make society. Humans are social animals. You need each other; You cannot survive alone. From early human civilization, we can see the mark of community. Sometimes families cannot cope with problems on their own, they need society and other families who have already been through what they are going through.

The family was not like this from the start, the family structure is constantly changing. A few decades ago the 3 generations were still living under one roof but now everything is nuclear with just one child, divorce rates are usually higher than ever, but I don't think there is a time when the family doesn't. People need each other and technology will help, but can it replace someone else's needs? All that's left is to live and see for yourself.


B. Some people think it is better to live in a nuclear family. Other people think that living in an extended family is more advantageous. What do you think? Write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of both.

A family is a group of people who are related by blood or who are simply based on trust. During early human civilization, people began to live in groups when they realized that it was easier to hunt when they had company. Even when the time of the hunt is over, people still need each other for mental and emotional support. A long time ago there was a trend where all 3 generations lived under one roof. Sharing food, income, luxury, and life. But the family structure has changed drastically as a result of industrialization. Long ago, as we knew, such extended families are rare.

The core family is the new family. Small group, usually consisting of the spouse and child. People are busy these days so managing family time is a bit difficult and having a large family can be a burden. Both families exist in society, some people love the traditional, others prefer the nuclear. It depends on people's needs and thinking. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

For a busy couple, a nuclear family is very useful as it is easy to cook for 3 instead of a family of 14. Nuclear families have unnecessary expenses, so it is easy to manage but lacks social experience. The child, who generally grows up in a small family, has a hard time dealing with crowds. According to statistics, divorce rates are higher in nuclear families.

large families, on the other hand, are quite expensive to manage. Cooking for 15 people every day is quite difficult. And because of the overwhelming number of people, the rate of conflict is quite high, but with people around you taking care of you, it's pretty happy. Children usually have cousins ​​to grow up with. When you are busy there is always someone more to take. Like everything else, both types of families have their advantages and disadvantages.



-        Lesser financial burden in a joint family.

-        No personal space in a joint family

-        Children learn to coexist in a joint family

-        More friction between members of a joint family

-        More emotional support and source of entertainment in a joint family

-        Lesser room for personal aspirations in a joint family

-        More personal space in a nuclear family

-        The burden of all financial problems and deficiencies on individuals in a  nuclear family



A. Study the given sentences carefully.

a.      Please read this letter for me. I can't see without my glasses.
b.     After working for a couple of years in China, I can speak Chinese now.
c.      When he was 40, he could earn a six-digit salary.
d.     After six hours' climbing, we were able to reach the summit.
e.      Yesterday, I lost my keys. I looked for them everywhere but I couldn't find them.


B. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

a.      'How much was your parking ticket?' 'Fifty rupees.' 'Oh well, it could have been worse.'
i.                could have
ii.              must have 
iii.             should have 

b.     It might have got lost in the post. These things happen sometimes.
can't have
ii.              might have 
iii.             must have 

c.      'Sorry I'm late. I got delayed at work.' 'You could have called. I was really worried about you.'
i.                must have
ii.              could have 
iii.             would have
d.     'I don't think he meant to be rude.' 'He must have said sorry.' 
i.                must have
ii.              might have  
 iii.             would have

e.      'Whose signature is this?' 'I don't know. It could be Manoj's. That looks a bit like an M.' 

i.                must 

ii.              could 

iii.             should 

f.      I had it when I left the office so I must have lost it on the way to home.

i.                mustn't have 

ii.              must have 

iii.             should have 

g.     You might think it's funny, but I think it's pathetic.

i.                might 

ii.              should 

iii.             could


C. Complete the following sentences with appropriate endings. Use correct modal verbs.


She could be a doctor; however,…………….……………. 

She could be a doctor; however, she preferred to be an advocate. 


a.      At the end of the course, students must submit their assignments.


b.     If you want to earn a lot of money, you should spend the money smartly

c.      You were not in your house yesterday. You must have been with your colleague.


d.     I'm quite busy tomorrow. I will not be able to attend the party. 


e.      When you were a small kid, you must have been notorious.


f.      My car is broken. I should get it repaired. 


g.     I've got fast-speed internet at home. I should not let it go to waste. 


h.     Even though she didn't study well, she might have passed the exam.


i.       There are plenty of newspapers in the library. You can pick one if you want.


j.       What do you think you were doing, playing on the road? You could be harmed by accident.


k.     I have no time. I should try asking permission for a break. 


l.       You don't look well. You must be sick. 


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