Know Thyself CLASS-12 NOTES


Know Thyself  CLASS-12 NOTES

Working with words

A.    Find the words from the text that match with the following meanings. 

1.    walking by dragging one's feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground: Shuffling

2.    drawing pictures or patterns while thinking about something else: Doodling

3.    a piece of flat metal with writing on it: Plaque

4.    a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought: Percept 

5.    move or go in a furtive or stealthy way: Sneak


B.    Consult your teacher and define the following thinking skills.

b.    Convergent thinking: Convergent thinking is the way of approaching the solution of certain problems by narrowing the basic concepts. This type of thinking isbased on knowledge, comprehension, and logical reasoning. A variety of tests,such as multiple-choice tests, quizzes, spelling tests require convergentthinking.

c.     Divergent thinking: Divergent thinking also known as lateral thinking is a thought process of generating numerous creative ideas by exploring possible solutions. Divergent thinking is a spontaneous process such that many ideas are generated in an emergent cognitive fashion. Showing a person a photo and asking them to create a caption for the photo is an example of divergent thinking.

d.    Critical thinking: Critical thinking is a mode of thinking that primarily focuses on actively analyzing, conceptualizing, evaluating the gathered information. It is reasonable and skillful thinking that converges on deciding what and how to solve a problem. 

e.     Creative thinking: Creative thinking indicates thinking outside the box. It includes brainstorming a problem and trying to figure it out in a distinct way. Creative thinking refers to using intelligence to come up with new solutions to problems.


Answer the following questions.

a.     Who was Jack? How did he make children laugh?

-       Jack is a boy who sits beside the speaker. He was a humorous kid who had lots of friends rambling with him. He used to joke and make children laugh.

b.    Why are “Sharks” important to Reid?
- Sharks were important to Reid as they eat dead things in the ocean.

c.     What does Mr. Browne think about the most important thing?
- Mr. Browne thinks that the person who we are is the most important thing. According to him ‘Know Thyself’ is a significant thing for every one of us.

d.    What has not been noticed by the student?
- The plaque next to the door of this school which says ‘Know Thyself’ has not been noticed by the student.

e.     How did Jack make fun of the English class?
- Jack made the children laugh by cracking the joke by stating “I thought we are here to learn English” while Mr. Browne was telling the students that they were in class to find who they are.

f.     What were the students going to do at the end of the month?
- Students were going to write personal percept on the postcard wherever they travel and mail it to Mr. Browne at the end of the month.

g.    What particular act of students surprised a girl student?
- The girl was surprised when she found out that people write a personal percept and share it.


Critical thinking
1. Have you made your own precept after you read this lesson? What is it? Share it with your friends?

"Small changes make big results"

Think about what you want to change in yourself or in your life. Sometimes we make personal changes for ourselves and sometimes we feel pressured to make changes for others. Think about why you want to change. Is it for you or someone else?
The changes in my sense are the building of habits that help improve our daily lifestyle. If a person is barely exercising, one sudden stroke of 100 pushups will not help them achieve their goal of getting fit. It is pretty certain that he will soon be giving up his push-ups habits. If you do 5 pushups on the first day and gradually increase the number, you can see a big change in yourself. Making small changes to ourselves every day creates automation in our tasks. more of a psychological effect. The human mind is always trying to sneak around looking for a simple solution to any problem. Therefore, it is difficult for the human mind to start a task Right away, and it will not take long. It is not good practice to set a goal of reading 100 pages from a book every day if you are new to reading books. However, at some point on day one, your mind discovers that it is quite difficult to keep this habit going, so you will stop. The little changes you make every day help create good habits. When we go up the stairs, we don't jump straight from the first step to the fourth, do we? Let's take it to step by step, right? Being consistent is key and to achieve this you have to stack small steps every time. Day.


2. According to Josh Lanyon, “If there was one life skill everyone on the planet needed, it was the ability to think with critical objectivity.” Justify this statement with your logic.

Critical thinking is a mindset that primarily focuses on actively analyzing, conceptualizing, and evaluating the information gathered. It is a sane and skillful thought that comes together in deciding what and how to solve a problem.

Josh Lanyon said that the most important thing people want is critical thinking. Critical thinking helps to see things from multiple or different perspectives. Includes purpose, assumption, concepts, empirical basis, reasoning leading to conclusions, implications. and consequences, basically anything that comes to mind while solving a problem.

Every day we think critically in order to get every task done. As a student, there is a lot of homework and school projects in our free time. In this free time, we need to think critically about when to do homework and when to present school projects, all of which require our objectivity and critical thinking. In order to make a decision, we have to think practically and critically. If we are not thinking critically, on what basis will we make a decision? We have to make decisions based on prejudices and prejudices, assumptions, personal preferences, or we remain without decisions.
In any case, all of humanity will find a problem in their life, in order to address it we have to think critically and it is a spontaneous process. There would be no justice if people stopped thinking critically. However, the ability to think critically is not innate; it must be developed. The school system should encourage such critical thinking as simply memorizing facts.


Write an email to your friend explaining an interesting class you had.


Date: 2021/9/8


Subject: Interesting class

Dear Jack:
I hope you find this letter in good health and in a good mood. I'm absolutely fine here. I have online classes these days and I've been a bit free too so I thought I'd write him something.

Due to the Covid19 pandemic, our traditional learning has shifted to the online form, where our school has managed to create a digital platform for students and teachers in which we participate by asking questions through quizzes and many more entertaining activities.

It is a pleasure that our school has even introduced rhetoric classes where every week young entrepreneurs, speakers come to our class and share their experiences, ups and downs in their lives and also teach us some life lessons. , one of the co-founders of Infosys came to our course and introduced us to the universe of machines, robotics, and computers. I had no idea how well-known TI was before this course. In this course, I learned a lot about startups, entrepreneurship, business strategy, and team management which was the greatest course I have taken.

Somehow we formed a group to do some technology projects. I would like to teach you the same. Wait for your experience. Keep posting me.





Question Tag

A. Study the following examples. 

a.              You are tired, aren’t you?

b.             He left Kathmandu, didn’t he? 

c.              Your father never touched alcoholic drinks, did he?

B. Rewrite the following sentences adding appropriate question tags.

a.     Gill does not know Ann, does he?

b.     I’m very patient, aren't I?

c.      They’d never met me before, had they?

d.     Listen carefully, will you?

e.     Let’s have a break, shall we?

f.       Let us invite them, will you?

g.      Hari used to live in France as a boy, didn't he?

h.     You’d better not take a hard drink, had you?

i.        Sheep eat grass, don't they?

j.        Mr. Pande can speak nine languages, can't he?

k.      She’s finished her classes, hasn't she?

l.        She barely managed to reach the goal, did she?

m.  Don’t let him swim in that pond, will you?

n.     There are lots of people here, aren't there?

C.    Read the following situations. What do you say in these situations? Use question tags.

a.     The sky is full of clouds. You can see lightning and hear thunder. It’s going to rain soon, isn't it?

b.     You want to pay the taxi fare but you are short by 100 rupees. Shyam, You have an extra 100 rupees, don't you?

c.      You have met a stranger at a party and you want to have a chat with him/ her. The party is interesting, isn't it?

d.     You came out of the film hall with your friend. You enjoyed the film. The film was awesome, wasn't it?

e.     You and your friend listened to a comedian on the stage and felt spellbound by his/her performance. He gave an excellent performance, didn't he?

f.       You think your friend’s father has arrived from the US but you are not sure. Your father hasn't arrived from the US, has he?

g.      You think Susan will join the new job tomorrow but you are not sure Susan, Susan will join the job by tomorrow, won't he?

h.     Your friend’s hair looks too short. You have got a too-short haircut, haven't you?

i.        You want to go for a picnic with your friends in class. Let’s go to a picnic, shall we?

j.        You want permission from your father to go for a walk. Let me go for a walk, will you?


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