


Mrs. Baroda is somewhat unsuccessful to be told that her husband's friend Gouvernail is reaching to pay per week or 2 at their plantation, since that they had been busy all winter, and he or she had planned an amount of rest and speech together with her husband Gaston Baroda. She has ne'er met Gouvernail, though she is aware that he and her husband had been friends in faculty which he's currently a journalist. She footage him as a tall, slim, misanthropic man and failed to just like the mental image, however, once she meets the slim but neither tall nor cynical Gouvernail, she finds that she truly likes him.


Mrs. Baroda cannot recognize why she likes Gouvernail, since she doesn't see all of the positive traits delineated by Gaston. He will not appear brilliant, however, he does seem quiet and courteous in response to her avidness to welcome him and her husband's hospitality. He makes no explicit decision to impress her otherwise, and he enjoys sitting on the porch and paying attention to Gaston describing sugar planting, though he does not prefer to fish or hunt.


though Gouvernail puzzles Mrs. Baroda, he's sweet and inoffensive. She leaves him alone together with her husband initially however shortly begins to accompany him on walks as she tries to beat his reticence. Her husband tells her that he can keep for one {more} week and asks why she doesn't want him to stay. She responds that she would favor him to be more demanding, which amuses Gaston.


Gaston tells Mrs. Baroda that Gouvernail does not expect a commotion over his presence which he merely desires for an opening from his busy life, though she declares that she expected him to be more interesting. Later that night, she sits by herself on a bench, feeling confused and desirous to leave the plantation for a while, having told her husband that she may head to town within the morning and stick with her aunt. whereas she sits, Gouvernail sees her and sits next to her, not knowing her vexation at his presence.


Gouvernail hands her a shawl on Gaston's behalf and murmurs concerning the night and his silence disappears as he becomes talkative for the primary time. He speaks to her of the recent days and of his want for a peaceful existence. She doesn't hear his words such a lot as to his voice, and he or she thinks of drawing him closer, though she resists as a result of she is "a respectable woman." Eventually, she leaves, and Gouvernail remains behind, finishing his address to the night.


Mrs. Baroda needs to inform Gaston of her strange folly, however, she realizes sanely that she should handle this sense by herself. successive morning, she leaves for the town and does not come back till Gouvernail departs. Gaston wants Gouvernail to return the next summer, but she refuses. She later changes her mind, delighting her husband, who tells her that Gouvernail failed to merit her dislike. She kisses her husband and tells him that she has "overcome everything" which she's going to currently treat him additional nicely



 Understanding the text


Answer the following questions.

a.     Why was Mrs. Baroda unhappy with the information about Gouvernail’s visit to their farm?
👉Mrs. Baroda was unhappy with the information about Gouvernail's visit to their farm because he was a man she heard a lot about him but she never meet him and she was prepared to rest and relaxation to spend some time with her husband.


b.     How was Gouvernail different from Mrs. Baroda’s expectation?
👉Gouvernail was different from Ms. Baroda's expectations, Ms. Baroda had only heard of it before meeting the Governor which she found annoying, boring, and confusing. She thought he was an unattractive young man and she thinks he was tall, thin, and with glasses and holding his hand in his pocket, and she is different from him. But one night she had a conversation with him that turned his aversion into a good try to connect the relationship with him.

c.     How does Mrs. Baroda compare Gouvernail with her husband?
👉Ms. Baroda finds Gouvernail attractive, sensational and adorable. She does not see in him characteristics similar to those of her husband. She was unable to discover any of the brilliant and promising traits that her husband Gaston had often educated her that he had in him. Baroda considers him unsociable with her husband as he doesn't seem to care about her.

d.     Why and how did Mrs. Baroda try to change Gouvernail’s solitary habits?
👉Mrs. Baroda tried to change Rudder's lonely habits because she expected him to be more interesting, he was no longer interested in the facts, and he did not expect to fuss about her. presence and tried to change his loner by making him more adaptable to the situation.

e.     How does Gaston disagree with his wife on Gouvernail’s character?
👉Gaston disagrees with his wife on Gourvernail's character because there Gaurvernail was not a friendly and interesting guy.


f.       Why is Gaston surprised with his wife’s expression towards the end of the story?
👉Gaston is surprised with his wife's expression towards the end of the story because she proposed, wholly from herself to have Gouvernail visit them again.


 Reference to the context

a.     What is the cause of conflict in Mrs. Baroda’s mind? What role does Mrs. Baroda ‘being a respectable woman’ play in the story?
👉The main cause of conflict in Mrs. Baroda's mind is the attraction to her husband's friend.

 the ladyBaroda wants to tell Gaston about her strange madness but realizes that she has to deal with this feeling on her own and has to protect her pride in being a woman. Are you afraid of society, what does society think?

b.     Sketch the character of Gouvernail and contrast it with Gaston.
👉 From his external characterization, we discover that he is the "college friend" of Gaston, who in the present day is a journalist, "in no case a man of the world or" a man of the city "", and is a smoker.

c.     Why does Mrs. Baroda not disclose her feelings towards Gouvernail to her husband?
👉 Mrs Baroda does not reveal her feelings towards Rudder to her husband because Mrs. Baroda does not want to stray from the respectable and will be socially conscious. What society thinks and what it sees me.

d.    The last three sentences of the story bring a kind of twist. After reading these three sentences, how do you analyze Mrs. Baroda’s attitude towards Gouvernail?
👉The last three sentences of the story add something of a twist. The story introduced an unexpected change in Ms. Barods' internal portrayal and perspective in the last three sentences. Ms. Baroda has changed her perspective on Rudder and, at this point, is not limited by society's perspective on what makes a good woman. Ms. Baroda realized an opportunity outside the confines of the company. We can expect Ms. Baroda not only to have gained her own and the company's vision of what a decent woman is, but she is also ready to seek a relationship with Rudder by telling Gaston: "I will be extremely nice to him (Rudder)


Reference beyond the text

a.     The entry of an outsider into a family has been a recurring subject in both literature and films. Narrate a story real or imaginative where an outsider’s arrival destroys the intimate relationship between the husband and the wife and causes break up in marital relationship without direct fault of anyone. Anton Chekhov’s story ‘About Love’ is a story on this subject.

👉  "About Love" is written by Anton Chekhov. In this story, she presents the kind, deep and passionate love of a man for an already married woman with two children. With this, Chekhov wants to show that love is not limited only to the marital relationship.

 Alyohin had lived a peasant life in Sofyino since graduating from college. His father had spent a lot of money on his studies by mortgaging his land. The story "About Love" shows the contracts between the two love stories. The first love story between the two servants Pelageya and Nikanor Pelageya loves Nikanor but does not want to marry him. He wants to live it that way. But Nikanor asks him to marry. He does not like to experience being husband and wife before marriage.

 The second love story between Alyohin and Anna. Alyohin and Anna hide their love. Mr. Lunganovich and Anna are husband and wife who live together in the city. There is a big gap between husband and wife. Anna is a young woman. Another man arrives at Alyohin in his life. The same thing happens in "A Respectable Woman" with the arrival of Rudder in Baroda's family. Anna and Mrs. Baroda both leave to feel relaxed and refreshed from the mental stress.

b.     Mrs. Baroda makes an expectation about Gouvernail even before meeting him. Suppose you are a mature girl/boy and your family members are giving you pressure for getting married. Write in about 200 words describing what qualities you would like to get in your future husband/wife.

👉Marriage, a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman, is governed by-laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes which prescribe the rights and duties of partners and grant status to them. offspring. The first thing you should look at in your future husband is honesty. He must be honest with you and with himself. He must be very aware of his strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. Honesty with others and with yourself is very important in maintaining a relationship.
Certain other qualities are mentioned in this connection;
I. Can be understood in every job
II.  Must be well educated and can handle any problem
iii.  Must be friendly with children
iv.  Can reconcile work and family


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