Civil Peace CLASS-11 NOTES


                           Civil Peace CLASS-11 NOTES 

Summary of civil peace

Jonathan Iwegbu thinks himself terribly lucky to own survived, though he had lost his youngest son. He had a start-up of the war with 5 incomputable blessings to him, his spouse Maria and his 3 out of 4 children. As an additional bonus, he had his bicycle, which he dug up virtually pretty much as good as new when the fighting had stopped. This bicycle was almost appropriated by the military officer, however, he got it by payment of 2 pounds. Then he found his very little house in Enugu still standing, despite the absence of minor details like doors, windows, and a roof. for somebody like Jonathan Iwegbu who saw everything in positive terms, this was another miracle within the town. And currently, the family started its journey back to normality and prosperity. the youngsters started commerce mangoes, his spouse oversubscribed Akara balls and he was concerned about his selling palm wine. From one purpose of view, it's meager material with that to begin a brand new life, however to the terribly optimistic Jonathan it is, when the horrors of war, blessing upon blessing. the ultimate windfall is that the ex-gratia payment (the egg rasher) he receives. It confirms his belief in a generous god. 'Nothing puzzles God' is his catchphrase. In each thing, he uses the constant phrase. Everything that life provides may be a bonus to him. He counts himself terribly happy when he has survived the war. The recovery of his bicycle is another miracle for him as a result of he sees everything in positive terms. He starts a brand new life in his house with low material. he's optimistic and is proud of what he has. The ex-gratia payment is that the windfall gain. however, when the thieves take it away, he is engaged in his everyday work. He considers that his life didn't depend upon that money last week. he's clever and practical. Once his bicycle was appropriated by military officials, however, dessert apple got it back by giving the person 2 pounds. He volitionally gave twenty pounds and saved the lives of his family members. he's employed laborious in each situation. He has complete religion in God.


One night there happens an extra come to normality once thieves pay the long-suffering to Jonathan. initial of all, the thieves play the door and with courtesy announce themselves 'No stealer man and his people. When the family screams for help the thieves provide their assistance, knowing nobody can return to assist which the troopers are more to be feared than themselves. Once that has been settled, they're ready to be reasonable. they are saying that they are great thieves to bother the people, that war additionally as trouble has finished and that it's the time of civil peace. when the uneasy negotiation, Jonathan involves settling for the new conditions of civil peace and hands over his egg rasher. though the good mass protests, the leader, as a 'good ties' promise a good business: 'we simply take our little cash and go. once his neighbors seem within the early morning to specific their sympathy, the family may be at work again. And dessert apple has 'written off his egg rasher: Did I depend upon it last week? Or is it bigger than alternative things that visited the war? ... Nothing puzzles God! Once again, his optimistic determinism allows him to rise on top of the difficulty. Everything that life provides is a bonus.


During this fine story, Achebe rigorously maintains the balance between realistic news reportage and therefore the firm form of the fable in order that the result tells United States additional concerning the war and its when effects than any account of elaborate documentation.


 Understanding the text 

Answer the following questions.

a.      Why did Jonathan think of himself as 'extraordinarily lucky'?
In the story, Jonathan's idea himself is exceptionally fortunate due to the fact he and his own circle of relatives together along with his residence had been stored withinside the Nigerian war. Moreover, he was given his bicycle returned and will restore his residence cheaply.

b.      What are the ‘five blessings’ for which Jonathan is grateful?
The "5 inestimable blessings" had been his head, his spouse Maroa's head, and the heads of three out in their 4 youngsters for which Jonathan may be very grateful.

c.      Why did Jonathan mistrust the officer who wanted to take his bicycle? What does this tell you about the situation in Nigeria?
Jonathan mistrusted the officer who desired to take his bicycle due to the fact the officer effortlessly ordinary a bribe change of his bicycle. He knew approximately the man or woman of the officer via his acts of gripping the bicycle. This tells us that the scenario in Nigeria become so worse in which authorities officials had been also are corrupted who predicted their take advantage of the residents withinside the call of the law.

Hence, Jonathan distrust the officer due to the fact he becomes now no longer assured in saying. It tells approximately the shortage of consideration due to War and poverty and shortage of peace in Nigeria.

d.      What visitors might be at the door? Are Jonathan and his wife completely surprised? Explain.
 The knocking on the door is loud late at night. When Jonathan calls to access visitors, he gets responses from visitors. So the visitors could be those manta rays that came so late at night to steal the money.

 Jonathan and his wife are completely surprised. They are even scared because they haven't been woken up and so late at night like this before.

e.      Why does no one in the neighborhood respond when the thieves pound on Jonathan’s door? Why do the thieves call for the police?
Yes, no one in the neighborhood responds when thieves knock on Jonathan's door because the neighbors also feel the same terror or fear as Jonathan's family members.

The thieves called the police because they knew very well that no one would come to support Jonathan's family.

 Reference to the context 

a.      What does Jonathan mean by his expression “Nothing puzzles God”? What does this expression reveal about his character? Explain by citing details from the story.
In the story Civil Peace, Jonathan uses the expression Nothing Confuses God whenever something miraculous happens to him. Use this sentence when you get your bike in good condition from the ground. He later uses it when he finds his house still standing after the war. By "Nothing confuses God" he means that anything can happen but that Almighty God, being omniscient, is not surprised or even possible by anything. It means God knows everything.

b.      How does Jonathan change as he experiences the conflicts in his life? Explain.
Jonathan is a hardworking person who believes more in his work than in God. He is a rather optimistic person who never gives up hope. He has known many conflicts in his life. He lost his son in the war but thinks he is lucky to have 5 priceless blessings. Jonathan continues to do his hard work for the good and well-being of his family by keeping faith or believing in God. Change according to the needs of the time and the needs of your family.

c.      Read the extract and answer the questions below.

“To God who made me; if you come inside and find one hundred pounds, take it and shoot me and shoot my wife and children. I swear to God. The only money I have in this life is this twenty pounds egg-rasher they gave me today ...”

i.                 Who is the speaker?
 The speaker was Jonathon.


ii.               Who is the speaker talking to?
 The speaker is talking to the thieves or robbers.


iii.              Who does “they” refer to?
 "They" refers to the government. 

d.      Nigerian English has words like soja 'soldier' and katakata 'confusion', 'trouble' derived apparently from English words but transformed by native languages' phonologies. What does the author’s use of dialect here add to the story?
Nigerian English has words like soybean "soldier" and katakata "confusion", "problem" apparently supplied by English words but transformed by native tongue phonologies.
The author has added the dialects here in the story for the following points:
i. Focus on the native language;
ii. Promote dialects;
iii. Knowing the status of people living in Nigeria and,
iv. Promoting nationality.

e.      Why do you think the thieves who come to rob Jonathan speak English with a heavier African accent than Jonathan does?
I think the thieves who came to rob Jonathan speak English with a strong African accent than Jonathan for the following points:
i. To prove that they were (white) Americans.
II. To prove that they were powerful.
iii) Make Africans believe that they know the English language.
iv. To prove that they were superior and strong enough.

f.       The title of the story "Civil Peace" itself is ironical as there is little to differentiate ‘civil peace’ from ‘civil war’. Do you think that the title of this story is appropriate, or would “Civil War” have been a better title? Explain.
 Yes, the story is ironic. The title of this story is inappropriate for the following reasons:
 i .  People living in Nigeria could not trust the government official, a police officer because he was very corrupt.
 ii.  People's lives have not changed. It was difficult to put hands in the mouth. Most people lived below the poverty line.
 iii.  After the end of the war in Nigeria, the flight was not stopped or controlled by the government.

So the title of this story "Civil War" would be better.

 Reference beyond the text 

a.      How would you describe the civil peace in Nigeria?
The state of Civil please in Nigeria was not good. After the war, the time of civil peace was the time of resettlement. There was nothing new to the people. People faced various problems during this time. the government law at the time was good. There were a lot of risks in people's lives. Thieves looted and beat people without fear of the law. Even if the civil play prevailed there, anarchy reigned everywhere.

b.      What kind of attitude towards life do you think you would have if your situation was similar to that of Jonathan’s?
 I would be optimistic, hopeful, and ready to take on any challenge. It would be useful to everyone. I would follow the right path, make the right decision, believe in God, and many more ...

c.      Draw the character sketch of Jonathan Iwegbu.
Jonathan is a rather optimistic person who believed in God. He always pronounces a line in the name of God saying "Nothing confuses God". He is happy enough to find miracles in his life. He never lives in disparity. is a hardworking person who thinks positively for everyone. He loves his family very much. In difficult times, he first tries to save his family. During the period of civil peace, he works so hard to restore his life and his family. His wife and children also work very hard to support him. She truly appreciates her gift, valuing her parent as well as her possessions. He never regrets his loss. He starts the taxi service, repairs his house, opens a bar for the soldiers to provide for his family.

As an optimist, he does not regret losing the £ 20 he received in favor of the government.

 Thus, Jonathan Iwegbu was the central protagonist of the story. He was a very hardworking and resourceful examiner. He was also the head of the family responsible for inspiring optimism in his family.


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