Decision Making Business Studies Notes


 Decision Making


Meaning of decision making

Decision-making is the process of selecting the best of the various alternatives. It is the act of making a choice. There are so many alternatives in the organization and the departments. Decision-making is defined as the selection of the choice of a better alternative. Before making any decisions, all alternatives with known advantages and disadvantages should be evaluated. Help to make the best decisions. It is also one of the important functions of management. Without other management functions such as planning, organizing, directing, controlling, personnel cannot be directed because, in this management function, the decision is very important. According to Stephen P. Robbins, "decision making is defined as selecting a preferred course of action from two or more alternatives."

Importance of decision making

1.        Implementation of managerial function:
Without decision making, it is not possible to perform various management functions such as planning, organizing, directing, controlling, hiring staff. In other words, when an employee does this, they get the job done through the decision-making function. We can therefore say that the decision is an important element in implementing the managerial function.


2.        Pervasiveness of decision making:
the decision is made in all managerial activities and in all functions of the organization. It must be taken by all staff. Without decision making any kind of function is not possible. So it is pervasive.


3.        Evaluation of managerial performance:
Decisions can assess managerial performance. When the decision is correct, it means the manager is skilled, capable, and efficient. When the decision is wrong, it means the manager is disqualified. Thus, the decision-making process evaluates managerial performance.


4.        Helpful in planning and policies:  
Any policy or plan is established by decision-making. Without decision-making, no plan or policy is executed. In the process of developing plans, appropriate decisions have to be made from many alternatives. Therefore, decision-making is an important process that is useful in planning.

5.        Selecting the best alternatives
 Decision-making is the process of selecting the best alternatives. It is necessary for every organization because there are many alternatives. So decision-makers evaluate various advantages and disadvantages of every alternative and select the best alternative.


6.        Successful; operation of the business:
Every individual, department, and organization make the decisions. In this competitive world; the organization can exist when the correct and appropriate decisions are made. Therefore correct decisions help in the successful operation of the business.



Steps in decision making

1.      Identification of problems: 
the first step of decision-making is the identification of problems. First of all, managers must identify the problem. The problem has to be found and defined. Symptoms are identified and problems should be judged, symptoms are not problems. They are warning signs of problems. So, managers should search for symptoms for the identification of problems. Such symptoms can be falling in sales, profit, etc. It is said that problem identified is half solved is the identification of the problem should be effective.

2.      Analysis of the problem:  
after the identification of problems, the problem should be analyzed by the decision-maker. It is the assembly of fact and clarifying it. Relevant information must be collected and analyzed according to the complexity and nature of the problems.

3.      Developing the alternative solution: 
after identification and analysis of problems, different probable solutions have to be developed which is known as developing the alternative solutions. there may be many alternative  past experiences, expert opinions, discussions, etc which may be helpful to develop the alternative

4.      Evaluation of best alternative:
after developing the alternative solution evaluation of the best alternative is done. It is determined that which alternative has how many advantages and disadvantages. in other words, alternatives  are evaluated in so many factors like cost factors, risk, benefits, facilities, etc., therefore, it is very important

5.      Selection of best alternative: 
after evaluating the alternative, the best alternative is to be selected from the various alternatives. After developing alternatives, the managers should taste each of them by imagining things that he has already put in effect. He should try to foresee the desirable consequences of adopting each alternative. It is done for the best selection. therefore it is very important

6.      Implementation of best alternative: 
after selection of the finest alternative, it must be used in the organization effectively. The effectiveness of decisions in achieving the desired goals depends upon its implementation. It they are not implemented effectively then the best results can’t be obtained. Therefore the proper implementation of the best alternative is necessary.

7.      Review of implementation:  it is the last step of the decision-making process. When the implementation of the best alternative is reviewed, the process of decision-making is finished. The result of implementation should be monitored and evaluated through which effectiveness can be measured. 


Types of decision making

1.      Programmed and nonprogrammed decisions:
Programmed decisions are those which are normally repetitive in nature and are taken as routine jobs and responsibilities. These types of decisions are made by middle-level management in accordance with some policies, rules, and procedures. They have a short-term impact. For example: – granting leave to an employee, purchasing office materials, etc. nonprogrammed decisions are non-repetitively taken by top executives. They need to collect data and analyze then and forecast the strategic plans

2.      Major and minor decisions:
among different decisions, some decisions are considerably more important than others and are prioritized. They are called major decisions. For example, replacement of man by machine, diversification of product, etc. contrary to that, some of the remaining decisions are considerably less important than others and are not so prioritized. They are minor decisions. For example, store of raw materials, etc.

3.      Routine and strategic decisions: 
Routine decisions are those decisions that are considered tactical decisions. They are taken frequently to achieve a high degree of efficiency in organizational activities. For example, parking facilities, lighting, and canteen, etc. strategic decisions are those which are related to lowering the prices of products, changing the product, etc. they take more funds and degrees of partials.

4.      Organizational and personal decision: 
The organizational decision is taken by top executives. For official purposes. They affect the organizational activities directly. Authority is also delegated. Personal decisions are a concern to an employee. The executives whenever takes the decisions personally that is known as personal decisions

5.      Individual and group decisions: 
When a single employee is involved in decision making it is called individual decision. They are taken by ole proprietor when the problem is of routine nature. On the other hand, when the decision is of the group taken in a large organization where important and strategic decisions are taken it is a group decision

6.      Policy and operating decisions: 
Policy decisions are taken by top-level management to change the rules, procedures, organizational structure, etc and they have a long-term effect. Operational decisions are taken by low-level management which have short-term effects and which affect the day-to-day operation of the organization.



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