

 Working with words  

A.     Match the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘ B’.

Column ‘A’                                                      Column ‘B’

Expectantly =  in a way that shows you are hoping for something, especially something good or exciting

Beckon= to give the signal to somebody to move nearer or to follow you 

Grapple= to try hard to find a solution to a problem 

Texture= the way food or drink tastes or feels in your mouth

Cobbled = having a surface that is made of small round stones

Flimsy = thin and easily torn

Attire = clothes, especially fine or formal ones

Marvelous= extremely good; wonderful

Dynamics= the science of the forces involved in the movement 


B.     An autobiography is a story of a person's life, written by himself/herself. Use a dictionary and find the meaning of the following words related to people’s life stories. 

Hagiography = A hagiography is a type of biography that puts the subject with undue reverence Hagiographies are often about saints. 

Psychobiography = a biography written from a psychodynamic  point of view

Pathography = a biography that deals with a person’s illness, failure

Chronicle = list of historical events in order of time

Obituary = a notice of death person 

Character sketch = description of person’s quality 

Profile = a short article that gives information about a person

Memoir = a collection of memory written by the person themselves



A.    Put the following events in the life of Abdul Kalam in chronological order. 


In the correct order

f. One day Abdul Kalam’s teacher visited them to share his pride and pleasure about his performance. 

a. They celebrated happiness with poli.

c.Abdul Kalam attended an elementary school at Rameswaram. 

g. A new teacher in the school forbade Abdul Kalam to sit together with his Brahmin friend.

e. Many students did not understand well of Sivasubramania Iyer’s lecture well. 

d. He then took the students to the seashore for a practical class.

b. Abdul Kalam was determined that he would make a future study about flight and flight systems. 



B.  Answer the following questions. 

a.      What were the causes of Abdul Kalam’s happiness?
Abdul Kalam was happy as he got good scores on his maths, science, English as well as Tamil. He was pleased because his teacher had the talent to come all the way to his house to share this moment. 

b.      Which two places did Abdul Kalam visit before going to school?
He used to attend Arabic tuition classes and after that, he used to have a special class with his Mathematics teacher.

c.      What did he like about mathematics?
He loved learning about numbers and their rules and patterns. He used to enjoy grappling with number problems. 

d.      Why was the new teacher unhappy?
A new teacher was unhappy because he saw Abdul and Rameswaram sit together who are from different religions i.e Muslim and Hindu. 

e.      Why did Abdul Kalam have to split with his intimate friend?
Abdul Kalam had to split with his intimate friend because his teacher brought divisions of religion into the classroom. 

f.       What was the topic of Sivasubramania Iyer’s class?
Sivasubramania Iyer’s class was about how birds fly.

g.      How was the teacher’s reaction when the students told him that they did not understand his lecture?
When he asked the other students whether they had understood or not, not much of yes we did was heard. But it didn’t upset him at all. 

h.      Why did Sivasbramania Iyer take his student to the seashore?
He took his students to the seashore as a practical class where children could actually see how birds fly and their formation. So, it will be easier for them to picture and understand what they were being taught. 

 Critical Thinking  

A.     APJ Abdul Kalam became a renowned aerospace scientist in his later life. Do you find any association of his childhood days in shaping his career? Explain with specific instances from the text. 

Children are the living messages we send in a time we won't see. Children are the future of this planet and our race. When you're a kid, you don't seem to care what's important. They only care what they like, APJ didn't do math, science to be an engineer and make a lot of money or just because he gave you a famous name.She chose to do it because she loved him. He was brilliant from an early age. I believe in hard work, but a little talent wouldn't hurt. He was born as a talented boy and his hard work has never failed him.

 He became a renowned aerospace scientist later in his life. Her teacher may have played a role in shaping her future without knowing it.He was moved when his teacher took a practical class near the seaside and taught how birds fly, which fascinated him for flight and the rest is history.


B.      Kalam mentions an instance of discrimination against him in his school life. What picture of society does he want to depict by mentioning the incident? Discuss
The world does not work as you see it. There are many darker secrets hidden beneath our vision. Some people say that religion, castes, classes were created to avoid unity among peoples so that the ruler can always stay at the top with power in hand. In India, after the British left India, they divided the great country into three parts: India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. India vs. Pakistan is world famous.It is not just a struggle between countries, but a struggle between religions. India thought Hindus were superior and Pakistan thought Muslims were superior, but all of us, in the end, is just a belief that cannot be proven. Hindu friend and being a Muslim was a problem because people even hated Muslims and Hindus who got along well. Sexism, racism, all forms of discrimination are the result of illiteracy and false advertising or news from people of high power.


Write a short autobiography featuring your childhood life using the following guidelines. 

Who am I? I do not really know. Growing up, the teachers told me that I was the future of the country. During this time, my grandparents always said the same six words: you look like your father.

 Basically I'm just an average Nepalese boy, I was born on May 7th, 2004 in ……………………. I was lucky enough to be born into a middle class family.During my childhood there were no games such as cell phone games or video games. I spent time with some friends who were walking under the big tree to find out what to do. We fought several times, we got hurt, we cried but looking back, those moments were precious. No matter how much money I have, I won't get that time back. My parents were very strict when it came to studying, so they forced me to study and it became a habit.But I don't mean to say I hated him. I liked to do math, science and any subject. My parents chose a school nearby. I had a lot of close friends growing up. They accompanied me when I went to school, even when I returned.My school was full of fun. There have been many events. Sometimes I didn't even know why we were partying. These days don't really care how your time goes or how you wasted an entire day. to feel guilty.I never had a childhood like the ones written in the biography or in the genes of famous people but now that I see these are just exaggerated versions of my childhood.



A. Study the following sentences and underline the connectives

a.     Although she spoke very fast, I understood what she meant to say.

b.      In spite of her hard labour, she failed her exam.

c.     Though he had all the required qualifications, he did not get the job.

d.     Despite having all the qualifications, he did not get the job.

B.  Join the following pairs of sentences twice, using although/though/even though and despite/in spite of as in the example.

despite/in spite of as in the example.

Example: Nepali people have limited income. They are very happy.

i. Although Nepali people have limited income, they are happy.
ii. Nepali people are happy in spite of their limited income.

a. He is a millionaire. He lives in a simple house.
i) Although he is a millionaire, he lives in a simple house.
ii) In spite of his richness, he lives in a simple house.

b.  The weather was extremely bad. The pilot landed the plane safely.
i) Even Though the weather was extremely bad, the pilot landed the plane safely.
ii) Despite the bad weather, the pilot landed the plane safely.

c.  We study in the same college. We hardly see each other.
i) Although we study in the same college, we hardly see each other.
ii) Despite studying in the same college, we hardly see each other.

d. It rained heavily. We enjoyed our holiday.
i) Although it rained heavily, we enjoyed our holiday.
ii) In spite of heavy rain, we enjoyed out holiday.

e. I had an umbrella. I got wet in the rain.
i) Although I had an umbrella, got wet in the rain.
ii) In spite of having an umbrella, I got wet in the rain.

f. I was really tired. I could not sleep a moment.
i) Even though I was really tired, I could not sleep a moment.
ii. Despite the tiredness, I could not sleep a moment.

g. She has very good accent in English. She failed the interview of newsreader.
i) Although she has very good accent in English, she failed the interview of newsreader.
ii) In spite of very good accent in English, she failed the interview of newsreader.

h. Lhasa has extremely cold weather in winner. Millions of tourists go there in January.
i) Although Lhasa has extremely cold weather in winter, millions of tourists go there in January.
ii) In spite of extremely cold weather, millions of tourists go Lhasa in January.

i. He was badly injured in the first round of the boxing match. He was victorious in the third round.
i) Although he was badly injured in the first round of the boxing match, he was victorious in the third round.
ii) In spite of his injury in the first round of the boxing match, he was victorious in the third round.

C.  Complete each sentence in an appropriate way.

a.     He passed the exam although it was tough.

b.     She climbed the mountain in spite of her Acrophobia. 

c.     He didn't give any alms to the beggars even though he was very rich.

d.      In spite of his poor eyesight, he could read novels.

e.     She never talks to strangers though she is very sociable.

f.      He didn't passed the SAT in spite of his ten attempts.

g.     He refused to eat anything despite his hunger.

h.     He could not score good grades in the SEE exams in spite of his hard efforts.

i.      She accepted the job although she didn't like it.

j.      Even though we had planned everything carefully, our budget exceeded.



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