National income accounting ECONOMICS Notes


National income accounting   Notes

National income accounting

National earnings refer back to the sum of income earned by means of all of the people of a state in a particular period of time. National earnings facts famous the entire economic overall performance of the united states as a whole. National earnings represent overall receipts, total expenditure, and the full cost of production. Since a person's profits are every other man or woman’s expenditure and every commodity is traded at its marketplace rate, national income, national expenditure, and national product are the same. Every u . S . Produces goods and services. Therefore, in a selected time frame, the entire cost of profits and expenses incurred at some point of the buying and selling of these goods and offerings is country-wide profits.


                     NI = Y1+Y2+Y3+……. Yn.


               According to Alfred Marshall, “The labor and capital of a country acting upon its natural resources produce annually a certain net aggregate of commodities, material and immaterial including services of all kinds. This is the net annual income or revenue of a country or the national dividend.”


                According to Simon Kuznets, “National income is the net output of commodities and services following during the year from the country’s productive system in the hands of the ultimate consumers.”


A.      Gross Domestic Product (GDP):-
GDP is defined as the market value of all the final items and offerings produced within the home territory of a country in a year. It may be calculated via multiplying all the products and services produced within the country via their respective costs and adding them.


                   GDP = P1Q1+P2Q2+P3Q3+……….. +PnQn within the country

            GDP consists of most effective the very last items and services. All the intermediate goods and offerings are excluded from the size of GDP. Intermediate goods are those goods that are produced by one firm and used for similarly processing via every other firm.

Features of GDP:-

1.       GDP is the market value of all of the very last items and services produced within the country.

2.      GDP is calculated on the idea of the present-day marketplace rate.

3.      It consists of simplest those goods that have marketplace price and brought for sale.

4.      Transfer bills like pension, allowances, and so forth. Are not included in GDP.

5.      GDP does now not encompass capital profits.

6.      Whether the resources are domestically earned or overseas earned does now not matter in GDP.

B.    Gross National Product (GNP):-
 GNP is defined as the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a year by domestically owned resources and foreign sectors.

                    NFIA = Net Factor Income derived from Abroad.

  GNP is a broader concept than GDP because it includes Net Factor Income from Abroad.

Features of GNP:-

1)      It is calculated on monetary phrases.

2)     It consists of only the final items and offerings.

3)     The intermediate goods are excluded to avoid double counting.

4)     It consists of earnings earned through the residents of a country inside a rustic and overseas.

5)     It consists of factor payments to foreigners, by the way, the country.

6)     It does not include capital profits and switch bills.

7)     It consists of only those goods which have marketplace prices and are brought for sale.


C.      Net National Product (NNP/ NDP) :-
NNP refers to the overall market cost of all the goods and services produced through the elements of manufacturing of a country or other polity in the course of a given term minus depreciation. Similarly, NDP corresponds to GDP minus depreciation. Depreciation describes the devaluation of constant capital through wear and tear associated with its use of inefficient interest.

                 In countrywide income accounting, NNP and NDP are given by the subsequent formulation:-

                 NNP / NDP = P1Q1+P2Q2+……… +PnQn+(X-M)+NFIA -Depreciation or CCA.

                  Where CCA = Capital Consumption Allowance.

                          NNP/ NDP=C+I+G+(X-M)+NFIA - D or CCA.

D.     Personal Income (PI):-
Personal income is shipped to exclusive persons or households. All quantities of country-wide income do no longer go to folks. Taxes are imposed on profits, the provident fund is deducted, alternatively, transferable bills like pensions, elderly allowances, unemployment allowances, and so forth. Are given through the governments. So, they ought to be adjusted. PI can be represented through the following components:-

                    PI = NI – Income tax - undistributed earnings – social securities + transferable bills.


E.      Disposable income (DI):-
The income left after paying direct taxes from private income is called DI. It is because all of the income earned via men or women and households are not available for intake. It is expressed as:-

                      DI = PI – Direct taxes.


F.      Per-Capita income or average profits (PCI) :
It measures the common income earned per character in a given region (city, location, u . S ., etc.) in a unique yr. It is calculated by dividing the place's overall income with the aid of its total population. This is used to compare the wealth of one populace with the ones of others. PCI is frequently used to measure a rustic's preferred of living. It is generally expressed in terms of a normally used worldwide currency which includes the Euro or US greenback because they are widely recognized.

                 PCI = NI ÷ Total population.

Nominal GDP and Real GDP


Nominal GDP is defined as the GDP at contemporary marketplace fees. It consists of all the modifications in market charges. If the price stage will increases final the output is steady, nominal GDP will increase, and vice-versa. Nominal GDP offers the misleading influence of the living standard and monetary overall performance of the country. It does not mirror the correct economic overall performance of the country And the living preferred of human beings.

It is calculated as follows:-

Nominal GDP = P1Q1+P2Q2+………… +PnQn

Where, P1, P2, Pn = present-day marketplace prices of products and services.

Q1, Q2, Qn = portions of the products and offerings produced within the contemporary 12 months.




                    Real GDP is defined because the GDP of the contemporary year is evaluated on the market charge of any base year. In different phrases, the real GDP is the GDP calculated at a regular price. Real GDP is used to make an accurate estimate of the dwelling general and the monetary performance of the united states. Nominal GDP changes time beyond regulation but actual GDP remains identical.

It is calculated as follows:-

Real GDP = P1Q1 + P2Q2 +………. +PnQn

Where, P1, P2, Pn = base year's price of the goods and services.

Q1, Q2, Qn = portions of the goods and offerings produced within the contemporary yr.




                      The GDP deflator is defined because the measure of the relative adjustments within the modern-day stage of fees in comparison to the base 12 months expenses. It is the ratio of nominal GDP to real GDP increased via one hundred. It is used to calculate the exchange inside the charge level or the price of inflation inside the economic system.

GDP deflator = Nominal GDP ÷ Real GDP × 100

Rate of inflation = exchange in GDP deflator ÷ GDP deflator of preceding 12 months × 100


Production of products and services gives rise to earnings, profits give upward thrust to the demand for items and offerings, demand gives rise to expenditure and expenditure gives upward push to similarly production. So, there may be around the drift of manufacturing, income, and expenditure. On the premise of these three related flows, countrywide income may be measured via the subsequent three methods which can be defined as follows:-


A.    Product method:-
The product method measures country-wide earnings on the section of production in a circular float. This method measures national profits from the entire sum of the marketplace fee of all the final goods and offerings produced in the financial system. In this technique, the economy is divided into 3 sectors: Primary Sector (agriculture, forestry, fishing, mining, and so forth.), Secondary Sector (production, creation, electricity, water delivery, gas, and so forth.) and Tertiary Sector (banking, delivery, coverage, communication, exchange, commerce, and so forth.). The money cost of all the overall productivity of each quarter is calculated and summed up to discover GDP. This method is generally used in many countries but there are opportunities for double counting. So, a good way to avoid double counting, the following opportunity techniques are used:-


        1.     Final product method (approach):-
In this approach, national income is estimated via finding the market cost of all of the very last goods and services produced in a financial system in a year. All the intermediate goods are excluded while calculating country-wide income. While calculating NI through the product approach there exists the trouble of double–counting. In order to keep away from it, only the very last product have to be blanketed. The system for calculating NI by means of this technique is as follows:-
GDP = P1Q1+P2Q2+….. + PnQn
NNP =  GNP – Depreciation.
NNP after factor value = NNP – Net Indirect Taxes.
NI = NNP at aspect cost.



        2.     Value-introduced technique:-
 In this technique, the value created at specific tiers of the production is counted for estimating NI. According to this approach, GDP is the sum of overall cost brought through the exceptional producing unit, of a country in their production procedure. The value brought is the addition to the price of uncooked materials and other inputs for the duration of the manufacturing method.

Gross Value Added = Value of output – Cost of intermediate goods
The following formula shows how national income is calculated by the value-added method.

GDP = Gross value added in different sectors within the economy.

NNP = GNP – depreciation.

NNP after cost = NNP – Net indirect taxes

NI = NNP at factor cost.



B.    Income approach:-
The income approach measures NI from the aspect of issue income. This approach is likewise known as the element fee technique. According to this technique, the earning acquired by way of all the citizens of a rustic for his or her efficient offerings during 12 months are added to attain NI. This method includes earnings earned by all of the elements of production in the form of rent, salary, salaries, hobby, and so on.

The components of calculating NI through the earnings approach is as follows:-
GDP = wages + salaries + interest + rent + profit + depreciation + net indirect taxes.

NNP = GNP – depreciation
NNP after factor cost = NNP – Net indirect tax
NI = NNP at factor cost



Components of national income in income method:-

1)      Wages and salaries:-
Wages and salaries earned via laborers and employees are included within the NI. The extensive additives of wages consist of all the forms of remuneration of work.

2)     Interest:-
 Interest acquired from the capital is included within the NI. It is expressed in the net phrases instead of the gross terms.

3)     Rent:-
Rent acquired from land, building, manufacturing unit, etc. Are covered in NI. It is the earnings earned by way of the persons for the usage of the real assets.

4)     Profit:-
Profit includes dividends, earnings tax, and undistributed profit. The profits earned from self–employment is also included in NI.

5)     Depreciation:-
The depreciation amount is deducted to get a net national product from the gross country-wide product.

6)     Net indirect taxes:-
Net indirect tax is equal to oblique taxes minus subsidies. The oblique tax consists generally of fee added tax, excise and actual belongings taxes.

7)     Net factor income from abroad (NFIA):-
 NFIA is equal to the earnings received by way of the residents of a rustic from overseas minus income paid to the foreigners.


C.    Expenditure technique:-
In order to calculate NI through the expenditure method, the economic system is divided into four fundamental sectors:- family, government, business, and overseas sectors. GDP is the sum general of expenditure of these 4 sectors on very last items and services produced within the domestic territory of a country in 12 months. According to this approach, the sum of personal intake expenditure, non-public funding expenditure, government expenditure, and net export gives the GDP quantity. Net exports same as the total exports minus overall imports. When the internet aspect earnings from abroad are introduced to GDP, GNP is received. NNP is acquired via deducting depreciation from GNP. Finally, NNP at issue value is acquired by using deducting Net Indirect Taxes from NNP. The calculation of NI from this approach is as follows:-

GDP = C + I + G + (X – M)
NNP = GNP – depreciation
NNP after thing fee = NNP – Net indirect taxes
NI = NNP at component cost



Components of national income in expenditure method:-

1)      Private final consumption expenditure:-
This component consists of expenditures on consumer goods and services like expenditure on food, clothing, facilities, automobiles, medical care, etc.

2)     Gross private domestic investment:-
This component includes the total investment made by business firms like the addition of physical assets, replacement of assets, etc.

3)     Government expenditure:-
This component includes purchases by all levels of government like expenditure on security, administration, infrastructures, etc.

4)     Net exports:-
Net exports are equal to the total exports minus total imports.

5)     Net foreign income from abroad:-
NFIA is equal to the income received by the citizens of a country from abroad minus income paid to the foreigners.

6)     Net Indirect Taxes:-
Net indirect tax is equal to indirect taxes minus subsidies. The indirect tax consists primarily of VAT, excise, and real property taxes.

7)     Depreciation:-
The depreciation amount is deducted to get the net national product from the gross national product.





1)      Double–counting:
It is one of the essential issues within the calculation of country-wide profits. It refers to the act of such as a commodity inside the calculation of countrywide income extra than once. The fine way to resolve this trouble is the value-brought approach.

2)     Calculation of depreciation:-
The depreciation is deducted from GNP to calculate NNP and NI. But it's miles difficult to estimate the correct depreciation. Depreciation differs from product to product. It will become similarly complex if the cost of capital belongings modifications every 12 months.

3)     Change within the charge level:-
NI is measured in financial phrases. The value of money and the extent of price adjustments every so often. This creates hassle to calculate NI due to the fact NI modifications without the alternate in output.

4)     Illegal profits:-
Income earned thru unlawful activities such as playing, bribery, smuggling, and many others. Isn't always protected in NI. Because of this, NI is underestimated.

5)     Unavailability of reliable statistics:-
NI measurement requires correct and dependable records. But, it's miles tough to get dependable data in a maximum of the developing economies.   Sometimes people do not offer accurate data about their earnings to prevent taxes. This reasons problems in the counting of NI.

6)     Choice of technique:-
It is also hard to determine which method is to be used in the calculation of NI. The popular view is to use product, income, and expenditure techniques simultaneously depending on the availability of statistics.

7)     Inclusion of carrier:-
The NI is difficult to calculate such as offerings as it does now not supply any bodily product. There has been a little debates whether to consist of services within the counting of NI or no longer.

8)     Intermediate goods:-
The general idea of NI is best to consist of the very last items. Intermediate items are in no way blanketed however it's miles very difficult to differentiate between intermediate goods and very last items. Many items can be justified as intermediate or final depending on their use.


1)      A massive non – monetized zone:-
In growing countries like Nepal, there may be a massive non – monetized quarter. For instance:- A large part of the production of the agriculture quarter isn't always added to the market on the market.

2)     Illiteracy and ignorance:-
In many growing countries like Nepal, a large number of humans are illiterate and ignorant. So, it is hard for them to provide the necessary statistics concerning their earnings and output.

3)     Backwardness:-
In developing countries, people are socially backward. They do not expose their earnings without problems and correctly.

4)     Lack of occupational specialization:-
In developing nations, people obtain earnings partly from farming, partly from a task, partially from industries, and many others. So, the calculation of NI turns very hard because of the lack of occupational specialization.

5)     Lack of green and educated manpower:-
In developing nations, there's a loss of trained and green staff which makes the calculation of accurate NI difficult.


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