


Summary of red, red rose

The "A Red, Red Rose" verse forms are concerning the speaker's desirable feelings for his stunning beloved. therefore sturdy is that the speaker's passion for his beloved. He compares his beloved to June's recent red rose and also the sweet melody of a tune. His beloved is exquisite because of the red rose and the soft tuned melody. He desires to like his beloved forever, that is why he makes totally different promises. He wants to be and love her along with her till the gang of terrene seas goes dry, rocks melt, and human life ends. once a brief break, he wants to be with her notwithstanding whether or not the ride is 10 thousand miles long or long. The speaker devotes his life to his dear one, who is pretty stunning.

We discover the speaker within the terribly initial textual matter scrutiny his beloved with desirable things. Here, the love feelings of the speaker for his beloved are therefore strong.

The speaker compares the stunning, recent, and delicate red rose of the Gregorian calendar month to his beloved one. Next, the speaker contrasts his beloved with a sweet melody that competes in tune with sweetness.

The speaker praises her beauty within the second textual matter and additionally makes very desirable pledges joined to his love for her. he's in deep love with her, in step with the speaker, as a result of her is incredibly beautiful. He adds that he' about to love her till the complete ocean on this planet dry.

Even in the third stanza, the speaker's vow keeps going. He vows to like his beloved until the rocks of this world are unfrozen by the rays of the sun. till the tip of human life, he would love her.

Within the fourth stanza, during their temporary separation, the speaker desires his beloved to possess a good life and a promising future. He makes her say goodbye. we discover the speaker promising he like to come within the final 2 lines, despite the fact that the journey is just too long (ten thousand miles) and takes an awfully long time.


Understanding the text 

Answer the following questions.


a.      To which two things does the speaker compare his love in the first stanza?
In this poem, there are four distinct stanzas in which we see speakers in contrast, admiration, hope, and promise. The speaker compares his sweetheart to the young, delicate and adorable red July rose in the very first verse. Then he compares it to a sweet melody that is played softly with a beautiful melody. Here, these contrasts demonstrate the elegance of the speaker's beloved.


b.     What does the speaker promise in the second and third stanzas? 
In the second and third verses, the speaker promises different things to his beloved. He swears to love his beloved until the seas of the earth have dried up, the fire of the sun has melted the ice, and human life is over.

c.      What imagery does he use in his promise, and why do you think he uses such language?
It uses the imagery of dry seas, molten rocks in the second and third verses, and the end of human life. In the fourth verse, use the illustration of a long journey. I guess he uses these words because his love for his beloved is so deep and genuine.

d.     In the last stanza, what event is about to happen by mentioning the number of miles?
Here the reconciliation event is about to happen by mentioning the number of miles. The speaker promises to come back to his life after a short, temporary separation from his beloved, even though the journey is so long and time-consuming.

e.      Which image in the poem do you find the most memorable or surprising and why?
Here in this poem, I find the most striking picture of dry seas around the world, because the speaker's promise is treated in a very interesting way. I continue to meditate on the state of the earth without water after reading its beautiful promises.

Reference to the context 

a.      What can you infer about the speaker’s devotion to his beloved from the following lines? 
And I will come again, my love, 
Tho’ it were ten thousand mile!
This beautiful and promising verse was taken from Robert Burns' A Red love poem, Red Rose. At the end of the fourth verse, we find this verse. This is where the speaker is deeply in love with his beloved. He makes a promise to his beloved that he will return to his life after their temporary separation. He promises to stay with her regardless of the length of the trip.


b.     What is the theme of the poem?
The immortality of the love bond and its feelings is the main theme of this poem. This poem has demonstrated the idea that the relationship of love never dies.

c.      Paraphrase the whole poem into simple prose form.
The speaker is deeply in love with his beloved. His feelings are so deep and genuine for his beloved.

 Right now, his beloved is not there with him. By making comparisons, promises, wishes, etc., he continues to remember his beloved. Compare her beautiful beloved to a beautifully fresh and delicate June rose and a sweet melody. He promises that he will love her forever. He swears to love her and live with her until the oceans dry up, the rocks melt, and human life is over. For a brief moment, he bids her farewell and wishes her a bright future. He promises to get his life back in hand, even if the trip is very long.

d.     Literary devices are tools that enable the writers to present their ideas, emotions, and feelings and also help the readers understand those more profound meanings. Analyze the poem in terms of literary devices such as simile, symbolism, imagery, alliteration, and assonance.
 The technique used to create comparisons using like or as. Here in the very first verse, the speaker used a comparison in which he compared his beloved with the beautiful fresh red July rose and the sweet melody using as.

 Next, symbolism is a literary device that uses symbols, be they words, people, signs, places, or abstract ideas, to represent something beyond the literal meaning. For the speaker, the red rose and the sweet melody are symbolically represented here. Love here symbolizes the immortal relationship in this poem.

 The image is a literary device used to represent concepts through the use of images. The speaker used a series of images for his beloved and his promises. Here we find images of red roses, dry seas, loose rocks, end of human life, farewell, long journeys, etc.

Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at short intervals at the start of two or more words. We can find the alliteration here in this poem in the very first verse that my love is like a red rose, red (LandR). We again note the alliteration in verse fourteenth: well, a little! (W).

Subsequently, assonance is typically the repetition in literature or poetry of similar or identical vowel sounds. These vowels are aligned and even in consonant words in the closest words. From the first to the last line, we find the assonance in the poem.


e.      What is hyperbole? Explain its purpose by citing examples of hyperbole used in the poem.
For the sake of emphasis, hyperbole is a literary technique that is used to exaggerate a sentence. The poet used this literary device to present the intensity of the speaker's affection. In the second and third verses, we find the use of hyperbole in which the speaker said: "And I will love you again my dear until the seas dry up" "And the rocks melt in sun! ”,“ While the sands of life will flow ”. Here, the speaker seems to exaggerate her emotions in these lines to illustrate her desire to love her forever. The last two lines, "And I will come back, my love, even if it was ten thousand miles!" The speaker exaggerates the distance to demonstrate his strong feelings of love.


f.       What is refrain? Why is it used in the poem? Explain citing an example from the poem.
 The refrain is a poetic device in poetry that focuses only on the lines repeated at a distance. It is used to emphasize something and also to produce rhythm in the poem. It is used to separate the stanzas. We find here a refrain in this poem in the second, third, and fourth lines. The refrain in the poem are as follows:
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry.
And fare thee weel


Reference beyond the text 


a.      What kind of love is expressed in "A Red, Red Rose"? 

The poet shared his romantic love for his beloved in this poem, A Red, Red Rose, where his feelings run so deep. He compared his beloved with a fresh and beautiful July rose and also a sweet melody. He also made several promises to always love his beloved.


b.     Do you think that love has power? Why do the poets compose poems addressing their beloved?
Yes, I agree that love has authority. Love can also lead people to perfection, where bad consequences can also be achieved. Poets are so excited about their creations, I think. Most of the poets in the world tend to write about the bond of love. Many poets write their poems addressing their loved ones because they want to write down their own romantic experiences and share them with others. Their love experience supports them to build the best of Power.

c.      Poetry is the expression of feelings and emotions. Explain
Poetry is the representation of thoughts and feelings that allows people to express themselves in writing. Poetry is a great way to relieve emotions, exercise your imagination, and exchange ideas and thoughts with others. Writing poems in a few words is an art, a way of communicating and searching for meaning, a melody of passion that flows through the pages, words that flow into each other and always convey the most feelings and emotions. Intimates of Through a few lines of verse, poets can easily express their inner thoughts and emotions. The works of the poets have a deep meaning of human thoughts and emotions. Poetic lines create incredible definitions of human feeling.


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