Evolution of Business ( Business Studies Notes)


Evolution of Business


Consideration before starting a new business

         1.      Selection of business: 

         2.      Detailed study of business opportunities

         3.      Personal attitude and interest of businessman

        4.      Financial planning

        5 .     Government policies and rules

        6.     Form of business organization

        7.     Location of business

        8.     Selection of human resources

Requisites of business success

         1.     Determination of objectives

         2.     Good management

         3.      Sufficient capital

         4.     Modern technology

         5.     Best marketing system

         6.     Employee morale

         7.     Facilities for research

         8.     Proper location, layout & size

         9.     Efficient and dynamic

Business environment

Business environment consists of components that are surrounding of business organization that affect or influence its operation and determine effectiveness. The environment is dynamic and changes according to time. It is also complex and difficult to forecast. Every business organization obtains input from the environment transforms them into output and again supply to the environment i.e. business is made up of Internal and External factors.

Components of the Business environment:

The components of the business environment are as follows.

A)     Internal environment:
Internal environment refers to various processes that operate within the organization. Such environmental components are controllable by the management. It is also referred to as a micro-environment factor. The following are the components of the internal environment of a business.

i.                Employees

ii.              Organizational Structure

iii.             Corporate Culture

iv.             Shareholders


B)     External environment:
 External environment refers to those factors that are beyond the control of management and outside the operating system of business. However, these factors affect business quite seriously if management is not responsive to changes. The external environment factor is also referred as macro-environmental factors. The following are the components of the external environment

i.                Political environment

ii.              Economic environment

iii.             Socio-cultural environment

iv.             Technological environment

v.              Legal environment

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