Filing (Business Studies Notes)



Concept of filing:
Filing is the process of careful and systematic preservation of letters, documents, bills, reports, and other important writings for easy accurate timely and speedy reference. Filing can thus be understood as the basis of record's management. Success of an office depends on, among other comprehensive, simple and efficient filing systems. Filing is an important function of an office.

Purpose of filing:

1.         To gather and sort out documents

2.         To classify and arrange documents

3.         To preserve and store documents

4.         To easily locate and readily avail documents

5.         To provide information for planning and control


Importance of filing:

1.     Preservation of records

2.     Facility for ready reference

3.     Rapidity in performing office works

4.     Following up

5.     Providing evidence

6.     Maintaining goodwill and building image


Qualities and essentials of a good filing system:

1.     Compactness

2.     Accessibility

3.     Economical

4.     Simplicity

5.     Safety

6.     Flexibility

7.     Easy location for reference

8.     Cross reference

9.     Retention

10.  Classification

Types of filing:

1. Traditional filing: This system of filing is also called an old or conventional filing system. They were in use in the early days of an office. Some of them are still in use in offices where a small number of letters, reports and documents are filed. The is a very simple filing device and tools. Some important system of filing under this category are as follows:

Wrapped or bundle filing:In this system, all written documents of a certain period such as a month or a year are ordered wrapped in a piece of cloth and tied up.

Advantages of wrapped or bundle filing:

1.     Simple and easy

2.     Less expensive

3.     Little chance of misplacing

4.     Consumes little space


The disadvantage of wrapped or bundle filing:

1.     Old and outdated

2.     Unsystematic and on unscientific

3.     Difficulty in locating

4.     Lack of safety


 Wire or spike filing: In this type of filing a very simple tool is used that is least expensive as well. A thick steel wire with one sharp end and wooden, plastic or iron round based. The other end is used for filing which can be kept on the table

Advantages of wire or spike filing:

1.     Simple and easy

2.     Economical

3.     Skill is not required

4.     Small space

5.     Minimum time


Disadvantages of wire for spike filing:

1.     Unsuitable

2.     Unsafe

3.     Unattractive in unreliable

4.     Non-durable

5.     No secrecy

Cardboard filing:In this system, a thick cardboard is used for filing the documents.

Advantages of cardboard filing:

1.     Less costly

2.     Easy to operate

3.     Safety in use

4.     Preserve.

Disadvantages of cardboard filing:

1.     Non-durable

2.     Time consuming

3.     Limited space

4.     Loss of documents

Box filing: Boxes are used to file letters and documents. Therefore, this type of filing is called cardboard box filing. However, such boxes are also made by using plywood and metal sheets. The spring clip is fit upside this box to tightly hold the paper in these boxes. The documents are chronologically based one upon another. For every subject, separate boxes used.

Advantages of box filing:

1.     Simple and easy

2.     New training required

3.     Economical

4.     Safety in use

5.     Protection


Disadvantages of box filing:

1.     Temporary system

2.     Not easy to locate

3.     Unsuitable

4.     Misplaced

Pigeon hole filing: This filing is also known as docket filing. Under this system, wooden or metal almari having several small components or holes is used for filing the papers and documents. In the compartment in the almari looks like a pigeon hole, this filing is called pigeon hole filing.

Advantages of pigeon hole filing:

1.     Simple and easy

2.     Less expensive

3.     Quickly available

4.     Protection

Disadvantages of pigeon hole

1.     Unsuitable

2.     Limited space

3.     Lack of secrecy

4.     Time consuming

5.     Misplaced

Press copy book filing: In this type of filing, only outgoing letters are preserved for the future reference. In this system, various latest return and this place during a day are copied out in a book called a letter book.

Advantages of press copy book filing:

1.     Full knowledge

2.     Protection

3.     Evidence

4.     Easy of location

Disadvantages of press copy book filing:

1.     Difficulty in reference

2.     Difficulty in location

3.     Lack of flexibility

4.     Consumers long time


2.  Modern filing: The filing system was involved and improved considerably over time to suit the changing needs of an office. Over the years, a system and styles of work of office have changed significantly. Therefore, the filing system is also bound to change taking place in the office.

Horizontal file system: Horizontal filing system is a modern type of filing system. In this system, documents or letters are chronologically placed in folders one upon another in a horizontal or flat position

Advantages of horizontal filing:

1.              Simple and easy

2.              Economical

3.              Minimum space

4.              Speedy reference

5.              Safety

Disadvantages of horizontal filing:

1.              Time consuming

2.              Difficult in locating

3.              Inconvenient in reference

4.              Limited capacity

5.              Damaged

6.              Unsuitable

Vertical System filing: In this system, letters and documents are kept in an upright or standing position in the specially prepared folder or file.

Advantages of vertical filing system:

1.              Large capacity

2.              Flexibility

3.              Safety

4.              Less expensive

5.              Readily available

6.              Universally applicable

7.              Secrecy


1.              Higher investment

2.              Large space

3.              Not easy to operate

4.              Chances of misplacement

Vertical suspension filing: Vertical suspension filing is an improved form of vertical filing. In this filing drawer containing documents is fitted with a metal frame from which pocket folders are suspended


1.              Easy location

2.              Universal

3.              Flexibility

4.              Quick location

5.              Safety


        1.     Expensive

        2.     Large space required

        3.     Special skills and training required


Lateral Filing: Lateral filing is yet another system of filing. It is in fact A slightly modified version of vertical suspension filing. In the lateral filing system, documents are filed laterally along the shelf, the pockets having index strips on the visual ends of the file.


1.   Less space

2.   Quick location

3.   Saving of cost

4.   Flexibility


1.              Higher investment

2.              Training required

3.              Unsuitable for small office

Open shelf filing: Open shelf filing system uses open shelf for storing files like bookshelves in a library. Files or folders are kept in open shelves either horizontally or vertically in a numerical order.


1.              Economical

2.              Table for large office

3.              Time saving

4.              Flexible


1.              Misplacement

2.              Lack of safety

3.              Unsuitable for small office

Electronic Filing: Electronic finding is a computer based filing system. It does not store physical documents, it stores all kinds of information electronically in hard disks, CDs, memory cards, etc. In an electronic filing system, the operator in tourist information from documents into a computer. It can contain a large number of information. Generally, it has no limitation required for information storing, it can be stored within a few seconds. It does not need a separate index. defining system is suitable for all types of officers.

Basis of classification of files:

1.     Alphabetical filing



i.                Simple and easy

ii.              No need of index

iii.             Flexible

iv.             Suitable

v.              Useful for all documents

vi.             Facilities grouping


i.                Time consuming

ii.              Confusing

iii.             Difficult

iv.             Location

2.      Numerical filing


i.                Suitable for offices

ii.              Accurate

iii.             Flexible

iv.             Easy indexing

v.              Easy reference


i.                High cost

ii.              Time consuming

iii.             Not easy to arrange files.

3.     Geographical classification of filing


i.                Simple and easy to understand

ii.              Speedy location

iii.             Suitability

iv.             Time saving


i.                Expensive

ii.              Difficult to arrange

iii.             Time consuming

iv.             Complex

4.     Subject classification of filing


i.                Convenient

ii.              Flexible

iii.             Easy to operate

iv.             Easy location


i.                Not applicable

ii.              Difficult

iii.             Costly

iv.             Time consuming

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