Forms of Business ( Business Studies Notes)


Forms of Business 

 Concept of sole trading concern: 

Sole trading concern is the oldest and simplest form of business organization, it is a business organization in which an individual invests all the required capital, manages and controls the business himself, takes responsibility for himself all risks, enjoys all of its benefits, or suffers all losses. He alone plays the role of honor, a manager, a controller, a decision-maker, and a bearer of risk. The owner uses his skills, intelligence, knowledge, and skills for the smooth running and management of the business. It is also referred to as ownership, sole proprietorship, sole proprietorship, sole proprietorship, and sole proprietorship.

Features / Characteristics of a sole trading concern

1.     Soul Investment

2.     Sole management

3.     Sole risk taking

4.     No Separate legal entity

5.     Unlimited liability

6.     Independence

7.     Limited operation

Advantages of al sole trading Concern.

1.     Easy to start and close

2.     Quick decision

3.     Secrecy

4.     Incentive

5.     Personal relations

6.     Flexibility

7.     Economy

8.     Social benefit

Disadvantages of Sole Trading.

                   1.     Unlimited liability

                   2.     Limited capital

                  3 .     Limited skills

                  4.     Uncertain life

                   5.     Limited expansion

                  6.     Loss in absence

                  7.     Limited opportunity

Partnership firm

Meaning of Partnership firm:

Partnership organization in-fact has emerged to overcome the major limitations of a sole trading concern has grown out of the need for more capital, more effective supervision and control and greater division of owners. Thus, partnership is an form of organization in which there are at least two or more owners who agree to invest capital in a lawful business, supervise it and share its profit or loss. In other word, it is an agreement between two or more than two for carrying on a lawful business for carrying profit.

Features of Partnership firm

1.     Agreement

2.     Joint Ownership

3.     Joint management

4.     Sharing of profit

5.     Unlimited liability

6.     Restriction in transferring interest

7.     Role of principal and agents

8.     Uncertain life

Advantages of Partnership firm

1.     Easy to Start and dissolve

2.     Larger capital

3.     Effective Supervision

4.     Secrecy

5.     Flexibility

6.     Credit facility

7.     Incentives

8.     Less risky

Disadvantages of partnership firm

1.     Chances of conflict

2.     Uncertain life

3.     Absence of legal status

4.     Unlimited liability

5.     Non transferable interest

6.     Delay in decisions

7.     Lack of public confidence

8.     Problem of inefficient partner

Types of partners

1.     General partner

2.     Limited partner

3.     Active partner

4.     Passive partner

5.     Passive partner

6.     Incoming partner

7.     Outgoing partner

8.     Secret partner

9.     Minor partner

10.  Nominal partner

Rights of a partner

1.     Right to manage

2.     Right to express opinion

3.     Right to share profit

4.     Right to get compensation

5.     Right to get interest

6.     Right to use properties

7.     Right to judge in an emergency

8.     Right to leave the firm


Duties of a partner

1.     To work honestly

2.     To present true accounts

3.     To provide true information

4.     To use firm's properties

5.     To work within authority

6.     To Indemnify

7.     To bear losses

8.     Not to transfer interest

Partnership deed

Meaning: A partneRship is formed and operated with mutual understanding and co-operation of partners. Each partner has certain rights, duties and obligation. To maintain mutual understanding and co-operation and to legalized the rights, duties obligation all partners must enter into written agreement. This written agreement which defines rights, duties, obligation and mutual relationship of partners is called partnership deed as agreement. It is the document which mention rules and regulation and the way of operation, management and control of the attraction of the firm. A partnership deed is the main document of partnership which is required for it's registrations.

Contents of partnership deed:

  • Name and address.
  • Nature and objectives
  • Duration
  • Capital and drawing
  • Interest
  • Profit sharing ratio
  • Rights and duties
  • Admission and retirement
  • Death of partner
  • Accounts and audit
  • Salary
  • Valuation of goodwill
  • Dissolution of partnership
  • Arbitration clause.

Joint stock company

Meaning and definition of joint stock company

Joint stock company has come into existence to overcome the limitation of sole trading and partnership firm. A joint stock company is a voluntary association of person for establishing a business under a company act 2063. It is a distinct legal person created by law. Its capital is divided into a large number of part with equal value. Each part of capital is called a share. The company collects the capital bu selling the shares to individuals and organizations. The shares are freely transferable. The person who hold the shares are called shareholders of the company. The liability of the shareholder is limited to the face value the shares held by them.

Characteristics of Joint Stock company:

1.     legal personality

2.     Perpetual existence

3.     Limited Liability

4.     Representative management

5.     Democratic management

6.     Transferability of shares

7.     Common seal

8.     Publication of financial statement

9.     Issues of Shares for capital collection

Advantages of Joint stock Company (Imp)

1.     Huge amount of capital

2.     Limited Liability

3.     Perpetual existence

4.     Transferability of shares

5.     Effective management

6.     Democratic management

7.     Credit worthiness

8.     Accountability

Disadvantages of Joint stock company,

1.     Difficult to formation

2.     Lack of motivation

3.     Lack of quick decisions

4.     Lack of secrecy

5.     Exploitation by majority shareholders

6.     Corrupt management

7.     Excessive legal provision

8.     Social evils


Types of Joint Stock Company.

A. Public limited Company: A public limited company is a company the membership of which is opened to the general public under me provision of it's articles.

B. Private limited Company: It is one of the registered company incorporated according to the company act in the concerned department.

Agenda and Resolution

a. Agenda:  It is a statement of the business to be discussed and transacted at a meeting. So, the subject which are to be discussed in the meeting are known as the agenda. It consists of a list of things to be done and the points to be discussed in the meeting. An agenda must be clear, summary of the business to be transacted in the meeting.

b. Resolution: Resolution is the subject matter presented in the company meeting for discussion and decision. It can be accepted or rejected by voting. It is a formal decision. The activities of a company are conducted by resolutions passed in meetings. All decisions are taken into form of resolution. According to the company act 2063 resolutions can be divided into two types. They are as follows:

  1. Ordinary resolution
  2. Special resolution

Public Enterprises

Meaning and definition: 

A public enterprise is a form of business organization, financed, operated and controlled by the government for the purpose of providing goods and service at reasonable price. It is wholly or partially owned, managed and controlled by government. It is an autonomous corporate body which is incorporated under the law. Its operation are managed and controlled by the government. In simple words, a public enterprise or a government undertaking is a government owned and controlled business enterprise with distinct legal entity having a corporate status. For eg, Nepal Airlines Corporation, Nepal Electricity Corporation etc

Characteristics of public enterprise

1.     Government ownership

2.     Government management and control

3.     Service motive

4.     Financial autonomy

5.     Autonomous body

6.     Separate legal entity

7.     Public Accountability

8.     Perpetual Succession

Types of public enterprise

     a. Department undertaking

     b. Public corporation

     c. Government Companies

Importance of public enterprises

1.     Establishment of major industries

2.     Planned development

3.     Balanced development

4.     Providing employment

5.     Development of infrastructure

6.     Source of government revenue

7.     Supply of essential product or service


 Co-operative organization

Concept of cooperative organization.

A cooperative organization is formed with the aim of working together for common benefit. The main purpose of this form organization is one for all and all for one. The organization carries its authorities borough mutual cooperation of all the members. The members participate in different capacities as producers,  consumers, workers and managers secure the benefits of business activities through an equitable distribution business income. A co-operative organization is a voluntary association of people who join together for carrying out a business with the principle quality and mutual help. It is also democratic organization which is operated for providing service to its members.

Features of Co-Operative organization

1.     Voluntary organization

2.     Equality

3.     Democratic management

4.     Mutual help and co-operation

5.     Service motive

6.     Cash transaction

7.     Separate legal existence

8.     Open membership


Types of co-operative organization

1.     Consumer's Co-operative

2.     Producer Co-operative

3.     Credit Co-operative

4.     Marketing Co-operative

5.     Housing co-operative

6.     Multipurpose co-operative

7.     Miscellaneous co-operative

Importance of co-operative organization in developing countries.

1.     Distributing goods and services

2.     Forming saving habits

3.     Granting credit

4.     Marketing output

5.     Creating employment opportunities

6.     Developing moral and social culture

7.     Promotes democracy

8.     Developing rural areas


Multinational Companies

Concept of multinational companies: 

A multinational companies / corporation is a large scale enterprise scale enterprise that  does the production or delivers service in more than one company. They perform their business in international level through their branches, subsidiaries or agents. Their headquarters beside in their home countries and operate in several other countries which are known as hast countries. Multinational companies involved in mass quality production, distribution and promotion of their products and create the distinct brand image of their company. East India company is me first modern multinational company in the world. Most of the major multinational companies ares America, Japanese, European, Such as like Coca-Cola, Walmart, Honda, Patanjali, Toshiba, Apple, Samsung etc.

Features of Multinational companies:

1.     Large scale business

2.     Productive organization

3.     Global operation

4.     Mass production and distribution

5.     Professional management

6.     Advance technology

7.     Management and control


Advantages/ benefits /importance of multinational companies:

1.     Transfer capital and technology

2.     Provide quality goods and services

3.     Create employment opportunities

4.     Increase government revenue

5.     Earn foreign currency

6.     Develop international relation

7.     Increase healthy completion 

Disadvantages of Multinational Companies:

1.     Unemployment

2.     Gain monopoly position

3.     Dilute culture

4.     Outflow of foreign currencies

5.     Exploit resources

6.     Exploit consumers

7.     Increase dependence


Business support agencies in Nepal

Business support agencies in Nepal.

  1. Nepal chamber of commerce (NCC)
  2. Federation Nepalese Chamber of commerce & industries (FNCCI)
  3. Trade and export promotion (TEPC)

Nepal Chamber of Commerce: The oldest business support agency in Nepal is Nepal Chamber of Commerce. It was established in 1952(20009 BS) as the first chamber of commerce in Nepal. It is located in Kathmandu. It is playing significant role in the business promotion in the country. Beside it takes active part in the formulation of commercial, industrial and fiscal policies of Nepal which make favorable impact on the new start up to existing business.

Functions of NCC

         1.     To foster good relationship

         2.     To develop links

         3.     To organize fairs and exhibitions

         4.     To issue certificate of origin

        5.     To conduct academic institution

Federation Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI)(Important)

The federation Nepalese chamber of commerce and industries is an umbrella organization of Nepalese private sector. It was established in 1965 with the vision of “leading the nation's economic progress mission of facilitating Nepalese business become globally competitive. It aims at promoting business and industry and protecting the rights and interest of business and industrial communities. It play a key role in promoting business, trade and Industry in the country. It provides different service to business and government such as consultative, promotional, advisory, and representative service and regularly organize training workshops and seminars. Therefore, it represent in almost all national councils, boards, committees, policies, advisory bodies that are concerned with business and industry.


Function of (FNCCI)

         1.     To play developmental role

         2.     To reinforce commitment

         3.     To provide advice

        4.     To foster co-operation

        5.     To provide information

       6.     To create awareness

Trade and export promotion centre (TEPC)

Trade and export promotion centre (TEPC) is a national trade promotion organization of Nepal. The government of Nepal established TEPL in 2006 as a focal point by merging previously existing public sector institutions namely trade promotion centre (Estd 1970), export promotion board (Estd 1994 )and carpet and wool development board (Estd 1994) with the objective of promoting foreign trade and in general and export trade in particular of the country.

Functions of TEPC (Trade and export promotion centre)

         1.     To provide advice

         2.     To strength economy

         3.     To help alleviate poverty

         4.     To conduct programmes for production

         5.     Tо cooperate in opening institutions

         6.     To execute programmes

         7.     To identify trade related problems

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