Office management ( Business Studies Notes)


 Office management

Concept of office:

The office is an important and an indespeable organ of business organisation. this is the place from where all the functions relating to administration, management and control are performed. The term 'office' may be studied from two ways i.e. traditional and modern point of view. From a traditional point of view, office is that particular place of an organisation where both executive and clerical functions are performed. However, according to modern concept, office is the administrative centre of the organisation where both executive and clerical works are performed. Office is the work itself, not who does it or where it is done. Work can be done in the office, factory, store or by visiting the customer.

Functions of an office:

Basic function:

1.     Receiving and collecting information

2.     Processing and arranging information

3.     Communicating or supplying information

4.     Retention of records


Axillary or administrative management functions:

1.     Protecting assets

2.     Reforming managerial functions

3.     Developing office system

4.     Form of designing and control

5.     Controlling stationery and supplies


Importance of an office:

  1. Solid proof of the existence of the organisation
  2. Information centre.
  3. Reliable channel of communication
  4. Preserve the records
  5. Helps in coordination
  6. Helps in managerial control
  7. Importance to the employees
  8. Importance to the customers


Concept of office management:
Office management in a business enterprise is like the brain in the human body which gives direction to perform its various functions. Office management consists of two words: 'office' and 'management'. Office is an important place for performing all administrative and clerical functions of an organisation. It controls and coordinates the activities of people and departments of the organisation. Management is the art of getting things done through others. It is a process of planning, organising, directing, coordinating, supervising, motivating, communicating and contributing the activities of people and departments for the attainment of predetermined goals and objectives of the organisation.

Importance of office management:

  1. Avoid delays
  2. Speedy work performance.
  3. Effective internal control
  4. Less overhead expenses
  5. Effective coordination
  6. Right person at right job
  7. Training and motivation of staff

Meaning of office accommodation:
Office accommodation request to the total space required to carry out office activities. It is an important issue to be addressed by office management today. The management must give serious consideration to the office at accommodation. The decision regarding office accommodation has long run implications. Pool office accommodation results in improper layout of physical facilities, ineffectiveness, uneven flow of work, wastage and losses of office resources and time, insecurity, poor working environment and dissatisfaction of employees. Hence, proper office accommodation is the fundamental requirement for the effective utilisation of office resources to achieve organisational objectives. Office accommodation request proposition in various aspects of an office.

Factors to be considered while selecting the right office accommodation:

  1. Office location
  2. Choice of building or accommodation
  3. Size of office accommodation
  4. Shape of office accommodation
  5. Layout of the office accommodation
  6. Office environment

Office layout:
Office layout is also called office space planning. office layout refers to the arrangement of machine, equipment and other physical facilities of an office on the available space in a systematic and scientific way to ensure smooth work with the least effort and cost. It can be understood as the scientific arrangement of different departments, equipment and staff members within a given available floor space with a view to make optimum utilisation of space and ensure maximum efficiency of the office.  In fact, office layout is one of the most important tasks of office management.

Importance of office layout:

  1. Proper utilisation of closed space
  2. Effective supervision
  3. Better use of office machines
  4. Provides compound and increases productivity
  5. Smooth flow of work   
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