Difference Between Metal and Non-metal


Difference Between Metal and Non-metal



1)      Generally, they are found in solid-state except mercury which is found in the liquid state.

1)      Generally, they are found in all states.

2)      It possesses a metallic sound.

2)      It doesn’t possess a metallic sound.

3)      They are malleable and ductile in nature.

3)      They are neither malleable nor ductile.

4)      They are good conductors of heat and electricity.

4)      Generally, they are poor conductors of heat and electricity.

5)      They possesss metallic lusture.

5)      They possess no lusture.

6)      It forms a cation by the loss of electrons.

6)      It forms an anion by the gain of electrons.

7)      They are electropositive in nature.

7)      They are electro-negative in nature.

8)      They contain fewer valence electrons on the valence shell.

8)      They contain more no. of valence electron on the valence shell.

9)      They have a high melting point and boiling point.

9)      They have low melting and boiling point.

10)   Na, Mg, Al, K, etc. are examples of metals.

10)   O, N, Cl, Br, etc. are examples of non-metals.


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