Wave Motion: Short Question


Wave motion: Short Question 


1. How are stationary waves are formed?
= when two waves of the same amplitude and same frequency come from the opposite direction combined with each other then the resulting wave is generated that is known as Stationary wave. There are certain points that are completely stationary are known as anodes. The portion between nodes is known as antinodes. At points where nodes lie the particles are completely rest and at antinodes, the particles are vibrated with maximum amplitude. This type of wave can be found in the string of the guitar when plugging.

2. If you are walking on the surface, can you hear the cracking sound behind you?
= The sound is the mechanical wave. To propagate the sound the medium is necessary. There is no medium on the moon's surface, so the cracking sound cannot be heard.

3. Do sound waves undergo reflection, refraction, and polarisation phenomena?
= The sound undergoes the laws of reflection, refraction, but it doesn't undergo the law of polarization. The sound is the longitudinal wave. The vibration of the particle of the medium is parallel to the direction of propagation. So, it can't be polarized.

4. Why echo can't be heard in a small room?
= The minimum distance between the source and the reflector must be 17m to hear an echo. If a room is small, this requirement isn't fulfilled. Hence, we can't hear an echo in a small room.

5. Frequency is the most fundamental property of a wave. Why?
The frequency is the most fundamental property of a wave. In a wave motion, its velocity and wavelength may change with the medium in which it passes but frequency doesn't change. Due to this reason, the frequency of a wave is taken as the most fundamental property of a wave.
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