Magnetic Field Notes


 Magnetic Field Notes

Magnetic field:

1    Show understanding of the concept of magnetic field lines and magnetic flux and sketch magnetic field lines around
           a straight current-carrying conductor and long solenoid

2    Explain Oersted’s experiment, its outcome, and limitations

3    Discuss force on moving charge in a uniform magnetic field

4    Discuss force on a current-carrying conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field

5    Describe force and Torque on rectangular coil placed in a uniform magnetic field

6    Describe moving coil galvanometer and know its applications

7    Explain the Hall effect and derive the expression VH=BI/ntq where t is the thickness

8    Use Hall probe to measure flux density of a uniform magnetic field

9    State Biot and Savart law and know its application on (i) a circular coil (ii) a long straight conductor
            (iii) a long solenoid

10   State Ampere’s law and know its applications to (i) a long straight conductor (ii) a straight solenoid (ii) a toroidal

11   Discuss force between two parallel conductors carrying current- definition of the ampere

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